Alright so I’m now focusing on video tutorials, which are starting more simply and will increase in complexity. That frees up this space for slightly deeper dives that will later be covered in a video.
Jump Part 1: Adding Verse Structure to a Single Pattern with Jump 1-4
The more I use the OP-Z, the more I think you can get the sequencer to do nearly anything as long as you have the space for the step components required.
Jump 1, 2, 3, or 4 tells the sequencer to move to step 1, 5, 9, or 13, respectively, after the current step. When combined with Component Spark, you can make a sort of logic like “Go back to step 1 the first three times you reach this step” that you can use to split up your pattern into parts.
In my first post I described splitting a pattern into 4 parts that play in a row, but I don’t use that very often. I mostly use it for the following patterns which I’ll show below: AABB, AAAB, and ABAC.
Step 8: Jump 1, Component Spark 1
Step 16: Jump 3, Component Spark 1
So on the first pass (but not the second) the last step of each 8-step section returns the sequencer to the beginning. Thus, AABB. Pretty simple, right? The next is even easier:
Step 8: Jump 1, Component Spark 333
You get the idea, right? Now we’ll get a bit more complicated.
Step 4: Jump 3, Component Spark 2 (default value)
Step 8: Jump 1
Step 12: Jump 1 (or just set the step count to 12)
So the sequencer plays the first 8 steps in a row, returns to the beginning and plays the first four steps then plays steps 9-12 instead of 5-8 on the second pass. I think. It’s hard to articulate.
Now for an absurd example I don’t think I’ll ever need.
Since I started this thread I’ve been trying to figure out how to apply this to tracks with Pulse + Pulse Hold and yesterday I figured out one way to do it. Buckle up because this is what I mean about needing to use extra steps in some cases.
Steps 1-4; 9-16: Pulse 4, Pulse Hold 2
Step 4: Jump 1, Component Spark 333
Step 5: Pulse Hold 3, Jump 3, Component Spark 1
Step 6: Pulse Hold 2, Jump 4
Step 12: Jump 1
So Pulse and Pulse Hold cause the notes on steps 1-4, 9-12, and 13-16 to be held for two step counts twice in a row before moving on. The problem is that we need a Component Spark for the Jump component, which will affect Pulse and Pulse Hold.
My workaround is to extend the length of the last note/chord and have the following steps make up the remaining Pulse counts before jumping to the other sections. If you have no trigger on step 4 this will work totally fine, but if you do it might sound weird unless you mess with steps 5 and 6. Basically this approach is useful if you don’t have a note on the last step of the first section.
Note: most of this thread is me trying to solve “what if” scenarios, so I’m not needing this for a specific project but if you have ideas of other ways to approach this problem I’d love to hear them.
So there you have it: three common verse forms you can fit within a single pattern on the OP-Z.
Bonus: Jump 4 on tracks with step count 9-11
I recently figured out that, if your pattern’s step count is 11 or fewer, you can use Jump 4 to bring the sequencer to a specific spot that’s not 1, 5, or 9.
Jump 4 will try to go to step 13 but will wrap around if there’s no step 13. With step count 12, Jump 4 wraps the counter back to step 1 so there’s not really an application there.
But if the track’s step count is 11, Jump 4 brings you to step 2. If it’s 10 it brings you to step 3 and if it’s 9, step 4.
Seems neat but I haven’t thought of a real application for it. Just something I didn’t know was possible.