Dynamic variety per sample

NewXY owner here. New to music machines entirely. So much to learn, but loving learning the XY.

I had a question, may be dumb, but is there anyway to randomize between a set of properties or settings so each time I hit a key to play a sample, that sample could vary ever so slightly to make it sound more dynamic and realistic. For example, bongos and congas, I know I can retroactively change each step but it seems like a cool thing to be able to do as you play as well.

Congrats, that’s a lot of machine for someone new at this!
The way to do what you’re looking for is using an LFO with the random setting. Then assign the LFO to control a parameter (such as filter cutoff)
Note: My answer is entirely theoretial. I’ve never done this on the XY but 99% sure it will do what you’re asking.

Thanks for the reply! I’m going to investigate exactly that now. I think I have knowledge of about 70% of the device so far, but have not messed with filters and lopass/hipass yet.

Nice, let me know how it goes. You’ll probably want to modulate the low pass filter to get a realistic effect, but maybe the volume or pitch.