Is there a way to erase snapshots? I am trying to get in to using the op-1 … have watched all the videos TE have put on youtube but still having problems with sample loading etc. Any suggestions on where to get op-1 knowledge? Thanks !
Just enter disk mode and delete the snapshot files. So you can’t do it from OP-1, you need to mount the OP-1 as an USB drive on your computer.
thanks vehka…I will give it a go !
well looks like I’m screwed ! All hooked up with USB…got into disk mode…deleted all snapshot files…in fact deleted everything in synth, drum, album…wanted a fresh go. I click on the icon that the op-1 generated …click eject…thinking I did everything correct, went back to the op-1 and the screen has all this weird shit all over it…turned it off, thinking this would re-boot it…NO now it is just stuck with all this super fine print that I can not read all over the screen and is froze there WTF !
I had that happen. Had to do a factory reset. It was fine after that.
okay…figured out to turn on op-1 while holding down .com this took me to the TE-BOOT v2.13
!!! yeah ! Looks like it is fixed ! I went back to turning back on holding .com choose the option 7 factory reset…waited a couple minutes and looks like I am back to a clean slate. !
It’s soo scary when it doesn’t play game after some deleting.
I have managed to kick start with numerous on/off and USB in/out cycles.