I am interested in getting the PO-16 for making chords. I can understand that you can make the chords mentioned above and they make sense to me, but then I came across this post here:
stating these playstyles:
1 chord maj
2 chord maj7th
3 chord minor
4 chord min7th
5 triple arpeggio
6 2 note arpeggio
7 rising arpeggio
8 alternate arpeggio
9 note repeat
10 transpose up repeat
11 note repeat x2
12 transpose up repeat x2
13 up down arpeggio
14 rolling note
15 transistion down rolling
16 transistion up rolling
Does that mean there are more chords than just simple major and minor?
What happens for example if you play an A at the beginning of the patter and use playstyle 3 (chord minor)? Do you really get an a minor chord? If so that would quite sweet.
I’d love for someone to do a comprehensive video on this.