Just ordered this MIDI USB-DIN converter I saw recommended on the forums here: http://www.hobbytronics.co.uk/usb-midi-converter. Am very excited to be syncing my OP-1 with my TR-8 and 45000 looper without a laptop. However, I just realized a future potential issue: I was thinking about getting a PO or two, now that the PO-SYNC mode is available, probably the PO-24 with its interesting samples and bass that can actually be chromatically tuned. But to sync with that, the OP-1 has to be in its new PO-SYNC mode. When in that mode, is the OP-1 still capable of being a MIDI slave to whatever clock signal it is receiving from the DIN converter box? Or does the OP-1 need to be in a different sync mode to receive the DIN signal, and it is consequently simply impossible to have all three kinds of device synced without either reintroducing a laptop, or getting another kind of hardware clock unit?
i think i’ve read somewhere that this feature was introduced with the new OS. (218). clock source goes thru to the po sync.
@amoeba3, I think that’s why they had the OPLab at first. The OP1 seems to have two (or more) PO-Sync modes. Read carefully about its sync options here (10.7 PO Sync). At least the manual claims that the OP1 will translate between MIDI in and sync pulse out. I myself have gone for Keystep -> iCM + midi chain with Kenton MIDI Thru 5 (used to be midi chain of which I had a Volca pulse chain), usb host loop w/ OP1, usb client loop w/ iOS / Ableton Link. OP1 isn’t good enough as master transport, unless at very specific tempos at which its maths is right. Yesterday the OP1’s midi clock seemed to drift horribly back and forth. Keystep has MIDI clock and pulse and, I think, translates between the two. Certainly Volcas listen to MIDI clock in, and send pulse out (constantly), which leaves you with just Play/Stop to figure out for anything on the pulse chain.
@eesn, thanks for the heads up. Didn’t realize they had updated the manual so quickly. Seems like PO-SYNC with orange letters lets everything work as I had hoped then.
@eesn, thanks for the heads up. Didn't realize they had updated the manual so quickly. Seems like PO-SYNC with orange letters lets everything work as I had hoped then.I was stunned to see what section 10.5 mentioned as well - that in Beat Match mode, the OP-1 acts as a master MIDI clock over USB!? That would be huge - everything I had seen here on the boards previously indicated that the OP-1 can only act as a MIDI slave, not master.
@amoeba3, no I’ve been using it as master clock. My main gripe is it sends the wrong song position pointer, which throws the volcas off. Next thing I’ll try is to have the OP1 clock everything, but to mute its start/stop messages, and use the Keystep to start and stop everything. Really annoying on part of TE not to fix this, it magically elevates the OP1 to centerpiece of a setup, with so much other kit lacking extensive sync capabilities, one ends up having to purchase E-RM clocks and multitude of other boxes.
i never had any issues syncing up the volcas w/ op1. i’m surprised they even do anything w/ the song position msg. most things don’t.
i never had any issues syncing up the volcas w/ op1. i'm surprised they even do anything w/ the song position msg. most things don't.
@docshermsticks this is the stock comment I get from many people, and it’s frustrating because sync means more than just “run at the same tempo”. Pattern machines absolutely need to read SPP in addition to transport commands. I’m sure I’m not alone in liking a setup that understands transport commands beyond clock, but also is consistent in its understanding. The engineers at Korg saw it fitting to read the lowest 4 bits of SPP and make that resolve to a step number on the current pattern. This makes the Volcas coexist nicely with a DAW and try their best to sound in step as you navigate your project. Maybe with pattern chaining in the FM we start seeing even more intelligent firmware down the line. Mature DAWs routinely send SPP. OP1 receives and sends SPP, even though it rounds to the wrong mark when sending - otherwise very useful with 6 minutes of tape to scrub through.
- OP1: sends/receives start/stop/continue and spp. Always sends midi clock. Always pulses. Sends wrong spp. Retransmits midi clock back (!?). Pressing play sends spp+continue. Pressing stop = stop. Move playhead sends nothing. Loop sends nothing.
- Logic: only sends clock when transport is running. Stop = stop+spp. Play = spp+continue; sends spp when you move the playhead. Loop sends spp. Allows sending timecode over midi separately. Two or all clock destinations.
- Ableton Live: only sends clock when transport is running. Play = spp+stop+spp+continue. Stop = Stop. Loop does not send spp. Multiple clock destinations.
- Pro Tools: only sends clock when transport is running. Stop = stop+spp. Play = spp+spp+continue. loop = stop+spp+continue. move playhead = old spp + spp + spp. Timecode and multiple clock destinations.
- iPad MIDIBus: specialises in clocking. Only sends clock while running. Start (play from 0) = sysex+spp+start. Stop = stop some more clock. Continue (play) = sysex+spp+continue.
- Keystep: receives clock,start,stop. Only sends clock when sequencer is running. Only pulses if running. Start = start (configurable). Stop = stop. no SPP
- Volca: listens to midi clock,start,stop,continue, listens to pulse, receives spp (%16). Reverts to own tempo if midi clock stops. (!)
- Boutique: listens to midi clock, ignores spp, I think it’s hardwired to always start sequencer from step 1.
- Link: it does its own thing entirely.