This thread really inspired me when I was struggling at times in the learning curve:
I’m not great at drums on the OP-1 and that was annoying. I did my drums on different sequencers using the Shift + Rec method mentioned above. That bit works really well to align your sequences. I use ARP for triplets (a closed hi hat) and PATTERN for bass drum on one track then snare, clap, etc on another so they can have a little reverb. Can’t fully get my head around ENDLESS yet but I like the approach for melodies and I like that it’s a throw-away thing (unless you record it to tape). Now I’m a very old man I embrace the laying it down and it’s done approach. The more I use the OP-1, the more I like what I make. It’s an instrument I am learning and that takes time.
So I also just bought an OP-Z which I connect to the OP-1 directly and after ironing out teething problems with connectivity, getting my head around how to use it and ground loop noise problems I’m ready to create drum loops on the OP-Z, recording to the OP-1 tracks. The OP-Z might fill that void in your soul. But at quite a price for the two together. Portability is my main attraction here. I have a table of gear that I just don’t want to drive to gigs anymore.
You seem excited about the digitakt, I’d love to get my hands on it. You could sell your OP-1 for the price of a digitakt and say a Korg minilogue or maybe even a monologue and you’ll have sampler and synthesizer at your disposal still, just less portable. I personally am not into the Korg Volca range having tried it.
Good luck dude!