…right! …but 2017! :-))

…right! …but 2017! :-))
Just interested in bug fixes here! Wouldn’t go on about it if TE hadn’t promised one…
really...do we need an update?
The OP1 by itself is complete, but the context around it is changing. If TE want to keep making money out of it, they’d probably do well to avoid the OP1 becoming a toy in a context of all-new standard requirements. It’s probably worth looking at what Ableton have just done.
I hope they will bring it at Schneider’s Superman Show!
it isn’t April its July. Keep your shit together. This thread is always one step away from being lamentation city.
I would be happy with either April or July. Happy with my OP1 as is too, its never been updated since I’ve owned mine, I can only imagine the excitement.
So Are there official dates for the update
@Tau no official dates. Various employees at NAMM said on video or Instagram both April and July. April may be where they show it off at MusikMesse, but no one other than TE insiders could truly know.
Is this the reason the OP-1 is backordered everywhere?!? They’re too busy working on updates to make any :-p
Anyhoo i found a dealer that gave me 0% finance on one, so I’ll be joining the ranks shortly
I know we won’t have that,
but a feature I would really love would be to be able to have one bar of metronome when I hit the record button. Like in loopers or things like that, just to be able to be on time when I live record things
@stadja, why don’t you start recording one bar in advance, and use the metronome if there’s no existing tracks to guide you?Also, I suppose you know that pressing rec and then starting a sequencer with a key starts recording “in time” also?
I think the only thing I really miss is recording in stereo.
@stadja, why don't you start recording one bar in advance, and use the metronome if there's no existing tracks to guide you?Also, I suppose you know that pressing rec and then starting a sequencer with a key starts recording "in time" also?
Yep I know that
Those days I’m using my OP-1 with my guitar… playing some riffs overdubbing existing tracks…and what I actually do is that I launch the record in advance… but I have to mute my guitar very hard otherwise I end up with a lot of noise everywhere !
April and still no mention of an update from TE?
April and still no mention of an update from TE?
The week is young. Hopefully they will say something at MusikMesse. If not, then maybe we reset the clock for June or July or whatever else someone mentioned.
from da email:
musikmesse, frankfurt
our booth at musikmesse is C29, hall 9.1. we're currently doing final beta testing of the upcoming OP-1 OS. if you want then bring your own OP-1 and we'll install the beta OS on location, exclusively for messe visitors. available for all soon.
while waiting check out these recent OP-1 works from super users Virtual Flannel and Sammy Jams. enjoy!"
You beat me to it!
It’s finally happening! I hope some of you will be able to report!
Whoop!!! a new update! So excited about that! I wonder if they will fix that weird digital noise issue I had… View Post
Could we perhaps have the release notes in advance of the software?