OP1 field : audio clicks and how to avoid them?

Love the workaround. Gonna give it a go with the latest drumloops I imported. Some of them are old personal faves, but they are riddled with noises and stuff - so prone to clicking when looping.

And kudos for keeping TE up to date. I think, ultimately, this is like the Velocity update : the more they get asked about it, the most likely they will address it.
I own a Helix Floor from Line 6 and most of the latest features were just addressing people’s wishes.
So. Fingers crossed.

TE responded that they have sent it off to their development team, so fingers crossed.

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If I’m not mistaken, that’s what they reply to everyone. Me included (about a month ago).
But since power is in numbers, let’s hope they do make something out of these many requests!

Thanks for helping making TE aware!

Really? This is a huge short coming for both the original and OP-1 field. No amount of time learning these instruments will ever make this less annoying.

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I think we are noticing this on the Field more than on the original OP-1 - and it’s because of the Mother reverb. Any amount of that on a track, if you lift/drop it, you are likely to get a clash of the cut reverb tail with the level of reverb on the piece you dropped in… just like real tape, in fact!

I would love to see a “drop and overdub” (perhaps the infamous ‘.’ could be used for this) which also applies a subtle level matching if dropped next to another piece of tape with something on it.

I’m learning to love the clicks anyway.

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The click in itself is hard to love for me - whatever the cause.
But I love your philosophy of accepting it!

I guess the FXs don’t help indeed.
And I do think there are ways to implement some fade tools (plural) easily in the machine.

We’ll see.
Not the fanciest update - but a crucial one, I’d dare to say

I think the clicks are lovable on the original OP-1 because they sort of match the vibes of the sample engine in general. But they stick out much more on the Field (imo) because everything else is so hi-fi.

I’ve been playing around with sampling loops into the regular sampler. The regular sampler has a (imo) more usable envelope, so it’s possible to isolate single drum hits much easier with it. Then, record those drum hits onto the tape, and finally lift that whole section of tape into the drum sampler.

It’s still not very good for “choppy” breakbeat style stuff, but it works well for sampling single sounds and drum hits.


Now, that’s some forward thinking! Love it.
And yeup. I gotta say you nailed the « why it stands out so much ».
The OG vibe was lofi for lofi. Hell…it kinda created the lofi trend.
But on the field, it’s not a musical thing anymore. It’s annoying af.

Here’s a weird, really weird thing I’ve started to notice-

If I have a drum loop going on a track, record something in with the line in from another source, I’ll often get these pops at the end of the track as it loops back over.

Sometimes this leaves a micro cut/slice on the recorded track. Or even seems to if I hit shift forward key to the end of that track.

lifting out the slice and/or then the entire recorded track and dropping it back in often gets rid of the pop.

It’s really weird. I also then re adjust the end point of the loop to the newly dropped track.

I can’t tell if this makes the loop shorter or what is going on. But it seems to be helping with the pop for now.


It is just poor implementation on the OP-1 tape and this along with the lack of undo is the perfect mix for user frustration.

I own the OG and the only way I learned to live with it is by not using tape for anything other than sketching out ideas or experimenting\resampling at various speeds. I record the OG as any other instrument and I do so for his quirky sound character, by that I mean that while it is digital I’ve always struggled to replicate some of his sound peculiarities using plugins or other digital instruments.

One the reasons I’m not buying into the Field, is because besides not liking choices made on the design, graphics and lcd display, I also have little to no interest on using it as an instrument since most of what I liked on the OG about the sound character is changed and is now closer to my typical plugin or digital instrument…

However this is just my own opinion, there’s people using OP-1’s tape limitations to their advantage and creating beautiful stuff with it as a standalone device, be it OG or Field.

So I’m well aware that this is likely in part a limitation of the device and in part a limitation of the user.

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A crossfading tool is mandatory at that point.
Should not even be a discussion.
And yet, they don’t implement it.
It’s not exactly a fancy request - it’s one of the most important tool when you want to make any recording bearable.
And their CS - although very positive and responsive - keeps on telling people to « just play in time ». A sampling engine with no fade tool is a big no no in my book.

And yet, I have to admit that I own the Field since July and already have 200 demos out of it. Recording all kind of stuff.
But I’m using it and keeping it ONLY because I own declicking tools.
It’s horrendous, takes time to process, but it works for most purposes.
Still. Not tolerable. TE dropped the ball on this one.

I love your philosophy behind the OG1. Almost purchased one a while back. But I’m on the fence to buy an SP404 mkII for half the price.

Let’s hope TE’s watching this forum and that this crossfade tool makes it to the OP1f


maybe u already aware
but lift and drop is your tape undo
its been there the whole time

lift and it will save your tape in the buffer until u lift something else
drop it back down… do your overdubs or whatever
if u dont like it
drop your original take again
viola undo
rinse and repeat until u are happy

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Yeup. That clever lift trick is the best way to undo / foolproof your audio segments.
Doesn’t help with the clicks but sure is helpful !

Hey, curious what do use for “declicking tools?”

I’m using two main tools.

  • iZotope’s RX Declick tool. It’s easy to use and, as long as it’s a melodic chop with next to no percussive element in it, yields great results. Can be very transparent. Although, in this day and age, I find it more and more lacking some AI refinery. Used to be an industry standard, but I’m benchmarking other tools at the moment.

  • my DAW’s fade tool. Be it in addition of the declicking tool or as a full replacement, I dare to say it’s one of my top 3 DAW tools of all times. I use it mostly to get rid of that click at the end of a loop. But, if I’m editing a clicky drum loop or a slap bass, I try to refrain from the Declick tool since it will likely try to get rid of some percussive elements.

I’d say, all in all, declicking can take from 2 minutes to 15 minutes in the worst cases.
That’s why the very fact that the op1 Field lacks this feature is really amazingly amateurish. I can get behind all the other limitations. But this one? That’s the first thing I say to people visiting my studio and wanting to try the op1 Field. It’s a 90% perfect machine that just lands a 30% finished feeling. Just because of that.

My own opinion, tho.
And, as it happens, I kept it in hope of a future update. I try to advocate people to ask for a fade tool directly to TE.

If you need more details, hit me up!


The problem with “lifting and dropping” is that it will often introduce clicks at the beginning/end of otherwise unaffected sections. This happens on the OG1 not sure if it does so on the Field.

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It does.
Both the OG and the Field suffer from this one omission/flaw.


Has TE ever acknowledged this problem? It was driving me crazy today. I can’t for the life of me understand why they can’t fix this.

I think most people know this “trick” but it’s not a substitute for an actual undo. For example what if you accidentally press the record button and ruin your take?

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