Op1's "downfalls"

The problem for me arose when sitting outside in quiet nature with the OP. That ugly digital noise made it a struggle to do long sessions with a headset. I could have lived with a bit of analog hiss, but that whining digital noise ruined the tranquility of nature. I realize this maybe isn’t how most of you use it.

If you can’t hear the super annoying high pitched noise on the RMR video i linked, maybe it’s your age (presbycusis) or your playback system. It’s clearly audible to all my friends in their 20s on just MBP speakers.

This above was the info I missed before purchase, now it’s here and I’m done. Good luck in your future musical endeavors guys!

LFO for master effects\eq\etc, LFO for sequencer

LFO for seq would be very nice -and weird.

@jonesy_op bouncing three tracks via Ear to fourth is nice. Timing and volumes levels are preserved better (for me.)

@jonesy_op bouncing three tracks via Ear to fourth is nice. Timing and volumes levels are preserved better (for me.)

Ah not tried that, will give ear a whirl…