Shark42, iPad can sample audio quality for hours. Check out beatmaker 3
Shark42, iPad can sample audio quality for hours. Check out beatmaker 3
yeah i know but i guess im mainly talking about small inexpensive hardware. something more tactile than a screen. plus who feels like carrying an ipad everywhere to sample something on the fly. i’m sure plenty do but i cant see myself pulling out the ipad and queing up the app to sample something like the strange melodic sound my air conditioner makes when its starting up and shutting off, know what i mean
Is there an easy way to delete KO used sample slots that im not triggering right? Sound, number, and record pressed together sometimes flash delete on the upper right other times the cou tdown starts with less than 8, say 3 seconds.
KO is 8 bit sampler, OP-1 is 24bitsimultaneously super impressed and frustrated with the po-33
impressed that TE was somehow able to fit all of these sampling capabilities into a pocket sized device
frustrated that we are in the present and are living with the tech limitations of right now
knowing that TE may not ever produce another pocket sized sampler in the same form factor, what might this have looked like in 5 years from now? 10 years?
4x the bit rate? more sample storage time?
10x even?
what do the samplers of the future look like? bigger, smaller?
does akai take note that people want small and make an mpc mini? i know TE is a niche company in a billion dollar marketplace but do things like this move the needle in any measurable way? i hope so
The limitations are not technology reasons, they are design decisions based on the hardware platform used, even 10 years ago a much better specced pocket sampler could have been made, just that no one decided to do it.
Shark42, iPad can sample audio quality for hours. Check out beatmaker 3yeah i know but i guess im mainly talking about small inexpensive hardware. something more tactile than a screen. plus who feels like carrying an ipad everywhere to sample something on the fly. i’m sure plenty do but i cant see myself pulling out the ipad and queing up the app to sample something like the strange melodic sound my air conditioner makes when its starting up and shutting off, know what i mean
Just get a h1 zoom. Record all sorts then sample from the h1
KO is 8 bit sampler, OP-1 is 24bitsimultaneously super impressed and frustrated with the po-33
impressed that TE was somehow able to fit all of these sampling capabilities into a pocket sized device
frustrated that we are in the present and are living with the tech limitations of right now
knowing that TE may not ever produce another pocket sized sampler in the same form factor, what might this have looked like in 5 years from now? 10 years?
4x the bit rate? more sample storage time?
10x even?
what do the samplers of the future look like? bigger, smaller?
does akai take note that people want small and make an mpc mini? i know TE is a niche company in a billion dollar marketplace but do things like this move the needle in any measurable way? i hope so
The limitations are not technology reasons, they are design decisions based on the hardware platform used, even 10 years ago a much better specced pocket sampler could have been made, just that no one decided to do it.
Agreed though not only design/hardware decision but business as well. Gotta churn a profit with all that development.
You know, I’m sure it’s been mentioned, but the parameter locks alone, give the KO abilities beyond the OP-1. At least some unique kind of workflow.
I’ll defs be getting a KO and a speak at some point.
I’d love to hear some a/b comparisons from someone who has KO and op-1… Like an amen break, or some kick drums… Just a few different sounds, I’d be very happy to nerd out with y’all over the comparitive qualities.
Both POs support re-sampling, I think. Just wire the output to input and record Ok, not a memory friendly solution especially on PO-33, but it can increase the polyphony.

I made a little Drumkit in anticipation of the PO-33 arriving.The drumhits are evenly placed, so if you stop recording on beat you will have one drumhit on each button.Hope it works out for you guys...I'll wait a little longer until my PO arrives.
great kit, thanks!!! sampling worked great on first try.
Both POs support re-sampling, I think. Just wire the output to input and record :) Ok, not a memory friendly solution especially on PO-33, but it can increase the polyphony.I'm wondering whether this wiring would cause unsafe loopback however. Is there anybody brave enough to try it out? :D
if the input feeds into the output so u can monitor live while u record, then this will create a feedback loop.
Both POs support re-sampling, I think. Just wire the output to input and record :) Ok, not a memory friendly solution especially on PO-33, but it can increase the polyphony.I'm wondering whether this wiring would cause unsafe loopback however. Is there anybody brave enough to try it out? :D
A memory friendly solution is to copy sounds to different tracks(sound+write+1-16) no resampling required. The copies dont take up additional space.
I made a little Drumkit in anticipation of the PO-33 arriving.The drumhits are evenly placed, so if you stop recording on beat you will have one drumhit on each button.Hope it works out for you guys...I'll wait a little longer until my PO arrives.
made a quick video with your kit:
KO is 8 bit sampler, OP-1 is 24bit
Is this confirmed? I haven’t been able to find this information on TE’s website.
Hi scories, yea it’s not on any specs which made me wonder in the first place. I actually ask one of their close Swedish beta testers and he replied via his YouTube site, that’s what I pasted in my previous comment. It was very open of him. PO is great still but to some the sample rate is a factor.
Except it is not a pure 8-bit sampler, since it uses a compression algorithm to preserve the original 16-bit dynamic range.
KO is 8 bit sampler, OP-1 is 24bit
Isn’t the OP-1 16bit?
It’s likely most signal paths on the OP-1 are 44.1kHz/16bit. If we’re lucky, the mixdown and master effects run at 24bits, but the sampling rate is probably fixed throughout the whole signal chain.
It shouldn’t be too hard to check the bit depth on the tape, just copy it to PC via USB and check what it’s set to in the file.
It's likely most signal paths on the OP-1 are 44.1kHz/16bit. If we're lucky, the mixdown and master effects run at 24bits, but the sampling rate is probably fixed throughout the whole signal chain.
It shouldn't be too hard to check the bit depth on the tape, just copy it to PC via USB and check what it's set to in the file.
If you slow the tape down, it reduces bit depth, right? Just like speeding it up increases the quality…
I made a little Drumkit in anticipation of the PO-33 arriving.The drumhits are evenly placed, so if you stop recording on beat you will have one drumhit on each button.Hope it works out for you guys...I'll wait a little longer until my PO arrives. a quick video with your kit:
Hey…Cheers. I’m really diggin it. Keep 'em comin!