PO-33 KO owners - questions / observations

Hey PO-33 owners do you know of someone has hacked some editor for the KO?

Check my tutorial videos for KO. Suggest ideas for next videos. I wanna help beginners to grow quickly.

Hey guys,
I’ve been having an odd issue with my backing up my PO. Basically, I think it is crashing on exports. I begin the export with everything going out to ableton through an audio interface. Levels and sample rate are all what have been previously suggested.

It begins at a normal speed compared to some videos I’ve seen of people having good results. Around 22 or 33 or so, it suddenly just counts VERY quickly up to 136 and then states END. Its a bizarre deal and I think that it is preventing me from creating a proper restore audio file. Anybody else had some issues along these lines?


So what does it say when it finishes, End or Err? If it says End, then it’s working properly.

One reason that the numbers on the screen could be jumping ahead is that you may not have content to backup in that area/time of the backup. I noticed that if you only have a couple of patterns and kits in the KO, and it’s mostly empty, that it will do something similar to what you have seen in the backup process. In other words, if it has nothing to back up on some of the sound slots / kits and patterns, then there would be nothing to transmit in that part of the backup. Hopefully that makes sense.

Lastly, here’s a link to our video tutorial about backing up and restoring the PO-33 KO!

I hope that helps.

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Hi! You also responded to me on reddit! Thanks so much. I’ll hopefully have a chance to do try the transfer again in about an hour. I’ll respond on reddit then.


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Hello to everyone! I have just bought an OP 33 KO and I have noticed a problem since first time using it. Sometimes, while using the roulettes, the dots at the bottom of the screen start vibrating and changing by themselves. Its too frustrating because I can´t cut a sample or aply any filter or tunning and I ruin every drumkit :confused: . Has anyone solved this problem or know how to fix it? Thank you all guys :slight_smile:

It’s why I dumped the PO. Poor quality control / cheap components.

Just get Koala Sampler and be done.

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Thank you, but I have already bought, so I´m trying to fix :slight_smile:

You can’t. Mine is on the trash pile, because I made the mistake of snapping off the plastic hanger tag (so it would fit in the case) before testing it out thoroughly. It had the same issues as yours. If it’s still under 30 days, I’d return it.

I bought it on Thomann (I will edit my posts becouse the forum doesn´t alow me to writte more than 3 messages :/)

Hopefully. Who did you buy it from?

i realize this isn’t possible for everyone
but if u desolder the pots and replace them with better ones
the jumping values goes away completely

i’ve done this to maybe atleast 6 POs maybe more
they are standard 9mm pots and the value doesn’t totally matter but like 10kB (linear) is a good one


Knobs from mouser too?

no i had to order those from roland parts department

they are the small knobs found on the roland boutique TR08 and TR09

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maybe it’s broken. I got the K.O. when first released & to this day it works fine (got it in a $15 case for protection). I fell in love with it so much it got me to buy the Op-1.

It’s $89 brand new. Smaller than my hand, samples thru an input or mic, auto chop, pitch, goes chromatic, has a filter, has f*%$ing song mode! Plus 15 effects? crazy to me.

But I guess if you get a broken 1 it’s a waste of $89 if you can’t return it.

I heard resetting it can help with the jumpy encoders, maybe try that.

A very late thanks :slight_smile:

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Hi, I have my ko33 for a wile and i noticed that if i use all sample time (full/0 sample time) and back up the project when i try to restore the project to ko33 i get an error every time. Whether I am doing something wrong or there is a reason why it is so. Do you know about this occurrence and can it be solved somehow?

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make sure you’re backing up your project as a stereo file
this is a great vid on how to do it.https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjR59v22v_1AhVHTjABHdPoAVsQwqsBegQIAhAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DH_vWZke0EaQ&usg=AOvVaw3lU3hOqkSRL-r1qkp6aQUd


Thanks for the effort but this video unfortunately was not helpful to me as it is not my problem and observation. So I use stereo cable, zoom h6 recorder and record beck up in stereo, wave format (44.1khz, 16bit) but when I reach zero sample time on my po33 and do back up every time I try to return project I get error. Just to note I have po33 over 2 years and I have done a lot of successful back up projects. This seems to be the first time I’ve spent all my sample time… :sweat_smile: I wonder if you have that appearance? or is it just an isolated case on my po33 (I doubt the lack of memory) P.S. try to do a test, record anything until you run out of sample time then do a back up and try to get the project back. Let me know how it went, thanks in advance, peace :v::vulcan_salute:

It can be a bit tricky, according to the PO 33 guide, this is what they advise:

to verify that all data was saved and restored correctly you may want to use a secondary PO-33 unit for verification to avoid erasing the original content.

But I understand that not everyone wants to spend the money on another PO 33, in my case I use a Behringer UCA 202 card to record the backups. In the case of recording on a computer, sometimes I have managed to get it to work, sometimes not, but using my mobile phone with this audio card is how it works best, and it also depends on the app to record the audio, some work and others give problems.

Another thing I would try is to use a new set of batteries, or from another brand, some battery brands generate noise in my PO-33, maybe that can also affect when making a backup.