Recent OP-Z Build Quality?

I have an OP-Z that i bought when they first came out and get double triggers all the time. (worked well for a while but has gotten worse recently and is out of warranty).

Wondering if the recent OP-Zs have fixed this issue.


They haven’t… but they’re honestly still worth it. People tend to baby their gear. I get that. But the OP-Z is so durable and portable. It’s like babying a gameboy color. Just use it already. You own it for its sound, not the way it looks.

The OP-Z in its utility surpasses all its flaws. My dials pop out every now and then. It doesn’t bother me, I still have so much fun on my device.


I got one in January and I’m fairly sure it’s a “newer” model since the store was out of stock in December.

I get double triggering on two keys and I have to be pretty firm with the Track button. It’s not unbearable but it makes live recording more difficult.

No issues with the dials so far and no bending, but I’m really careful about both of those since I know either issue would bother me A LOT.

For me buildquality is a joke. Op-1 built like a tank yes, this is the opposite.

Accidently dropped mine like from 20 cm height, chipped a corner and all encoders fell out. Had to be replaced with a new one.

Awesome product in many ways, build quality … a joke.

For this price point is a joke, I wouldn’t mind it if OP-Z would cost 150 £.

I don’t have any double triggering or encoders falling out but, I got my op-z this past Thursday and it appears to have a slight bend in it because the back plate isn’t flush on the sides. I love this thing so much though. I’m afraid to send it back to TE because I could end up getting a replacement that is even worse.

I really like the OP-Z, using it right now! Anyway, this is my story: