site certificate invalid?

nearly 3 days later and still not working, in Google Chrome i cant even post this message, only Safari let me do this?

so is there a solution in sight ?

This total went over my head… I did not realize until now. there was a script it did not run… we should be good.

Thanks @dimi3 - While you’re on the job, you could do with fine tuning the cipher suite list and setting some of the security oriented http headers. Let me know if you need any further details.


This total went over my head... I did not realize until now. there was a script it did not run... we should be good.

Thanks a zillion!!! Glad i mentioned it again. :slight_smile:

Nice, thanks !

Thank you @dimi3 !

@cloudburst We’ve upped some security settings. Let us know if you still see any issues.

Hi @foxxyz. Dropped you a PM :slight_smile:


My mobile phone won’t let me on at all now. I get this msg “a secure connection could not be established”?
Been like that a week.

@Spheric_El if you’re on a corporate mobile it might not trust the Let’s Encrypt certificate authority. The same might also apply to old browsers and potentially operating systems. To remedy this try googeling for “add certificate authority” and your mobile phone brand/browser.

On the other hand it might just be your browser’s cache serving you some stale content. Try emptying your cache and maybe cookies/other data as well. Again, this depends on your browser and maybe OS, so you might want to google for “clear cache” and the relevant brand name.

Your browser might have an issue with the “upped security settings” mentioned by @foxxyz in which case a browser update (if available) would be in order.

Is there any additional detail to the error message you get? Sometimes there’s a “tell me more” button or something alike. Can you post the error message?

The browser may only support the deprecated SSLv3 handshake and not TLS1.1 or 1.2.


Excellent ,thank you very much @crudeoperator .This all seems to make sense.It appeared about the time of @foxxyz msg. and I’m due an update .No further info on my msg. It’s a fairly old HTC android OS.


…I’m still getting use to this attach file on iOS :confused:

@Spheric_El I’ve tried both Chrome and Firefox on an Android 4.4 device (oldes Android version I have) and don’t get any issues. Looking at your screen shots [1] I can’t figure out the browser your are using because the URL bar looks neither like the FF nor Chrome. By the looks of it you don’t get an option to override the security issue. This points towards what @cloudburst has said that your browser does not support the minimum encryption protocol that’s required to access the site.

Do you have any other browser installed or could you install one to see if you can use it to connect? If you’re pending browser updates then definitely install them and try again.

[1] You might be able to take screen shots on the device itself by pressing the power off and the volume down button at the same time for 1-2 seconds.

Hey guys thank you both of you @cloudburst and @crudeoperator .
This is what this site is all about.

I have no wifi at home so have to do this mobile, hence no screen shots (can’t switch photos easy).

Poor picture again . Sorry- that’s my Internet icon.

@Spheric_El Not sure what you wanted to show but the icon is neither a Chrome nor a Firefox one. That might just be because it’s a generic link to the current default browser. It could also mean that you’re using some form of branded browser installed by your provider. Try installing FF or Chrome from the Play Store and start it directly form the “All apps” panel.