Tracks not appearing on the tape?

Here’s the video, I hope it is clear enough:!Ahotjy9izz51k-VCeMeHE5mKHorRWA

Please tell me if you are able to reproduce it now
Here's the video, I hope it is clear enough:!Ahotjy9izz51k-VCeMeHE5mKHorRWA

Please tell me if you are able to reproduce it this now

Cool, so an external Stop doesn’t close the take correctly. I will try to replicate this, and think of the possible variations of it, i.e if the OP1 was to stop for any other reason than the Stop key being hit, would it shut the take correctly. Obviously it began a take when you hit record so that shouldn’t be part of the problem?

confirmed on leaked beta.

with external sync, pressing Rec, then external Play clears rec.
however, pressing external Play, then OP1 rec starts a take, pressing external Stop will not close the take correctly.
holding Rec at that point reveals where the take is. I have not been able to get it to shut correctly.

you can also press Rec and start recording on the OP1 then press external Play. if that sends a new song position, the OP1 jumps to that song position and disregards the take start marker, losing the reference to the take in the process. Like above, you can hold Rec to reveal your ghost take.

In both cases, if you press Rec again and start recording, the reference to the ghost take is then lost, but the recording remains on the tape track.

so basically, anything SPL (song position line) seems to throw it.

Thanks for the detailed explanation @eesn indeed I can hold the Rec button and the take is shown and dissapears again when you stop pressing the button

I can also confirm it happens in the official firmware 14203 as well as the 14510 which I had when I recorded the video