Wav file distortion in Ableton- help!

That someone could be you!

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:slight_smile: I own a very ancient version of it, circa 2007… I used to use it heaps but haven’t in many years. It’s amazing software but I’ve gone down other rabbit holes since then.

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Did anyone notice that when putting external files for drum sampler, the whole thing gets panned left for some reason?
That is what happens when I bring external files… can that be avoided somehow?
even though the files I import are stereo…

This may be something to send to TE support, they’re really good about fixing bigger bugs and this sounds super annoying. I’ve imported drum samples I bought from @rephazer in one of their packs and I didn’t notice this…

Thank you.
I sent them a note.

Hello, has anybody any updates? I also have the same issue

Same here !
Nice topic thanks to started it !

I drag and drop the files from OP-1 into garage band before moving it to Ableton. It works then. However I don’t manage to import Ableton files into the OP-1 field. For that I just use usb audio

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did this on my mac with some help from openai

To make the script process all wav files in a folder, you can use the find command to search for wav files in the specified directory and then loop through the results to convert each file. Here’s an updated version of the script that does this:

first make sure you have homebrew installed so you can run:
brew install sox

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Make sure sox is installed
if ! [ -x "$(command -v sox)" ]; then
  echo "Error: sox is not installed. Please install it and try again."
  exit 1

# Check if the input directory is specified
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
  echo "Error: No input directory specified."
  echo "Usage: $0 <input_directory>"
  exit 1

# Check if the input directory exists
if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then
  echo "Error: Input directory does not exist."
  exit 1

# Find all wav files in the input directory
wav_files=$(find "$1" -name "*.wav")

# Loop through the wav files and convert them
for wav_file in $wav_files; do
  sox "$wav_file" -b 24 "$output_file"

To use the updated script, save it to a file (e.g. convert-wav-32-to-24.sh) and make it executable using the chmod command:

chmod +x convert-wav-32-to-24.sh

You can then run the script and specify the input directory as the first argument:

./convert-wav-32-to-24.sh input_directory

This will search the input_directory for wav files and convert each one to a 24 bit version. The new files will have the same names as the original files, but with -24bit appended to the end.

this worked great for me


set the ableton live as 32bit, problem still there

I export the files as 32 bits wave audio files in Audacity

is it still not fixed?

I’m also having this problem. Glad I found this thread. Do you all think it would be better to reach out to Ableton about this?

It sounds like a good idea to make them aware of the problem.
Otherwise, it seems unlikely that it would get fixed.

I filed a report. I’ll keep you all updated on their response.


Hi, any updates on this? Having the same problem!

This is what Ableton support responded with:

The issue you’ve encountered may be related to the fact that the files have to be 32-bit float , unfortunately 32-bit integer aren’t supported.

Hoping there is a workaround…

You can convert the files to 24bit first in a free app like Audacity.

I convert the .aiff files to .wav files. Works like a charm