0-Coast or Folktek Mescaline? Need help!

Hi. I’m very interested in either. However, I can’t decide. I’m looking to dip my toe into modular but don’t want to wake up $20K in debt. I’m comfortable with MIDI, but would also like to learn/use CV. Most of my current setup is MIDI. 0-Coast has both - Folktek doesn’t. Both sound great to me. 0-coast sounds more pure in tone, while Folktek sounds both more dirty and atmospheric. Folktek has a poly synth and (3) modules for roughly the same price as 0-Coast. Like I said, 0-Coast is more compatible for me, and maybe for a beginner in general. Folktek would probably require a bit more time to learn and not as much connectivity w/ my setup. But, with (3) modules, audio-in and 4 effects I could route audio into it and splice it, etc. perhaps, I can also use Reaktor Blocks to control / communicate with it? Any advice? I could use some ideas or wisdom from someone who has been down this road. Also, I tend to prefer more experimental music, noise, drone and ambient although I occasionally incorporate some melody and harmony within conventional song structure. This might be important in determining which unit sounds best for this. THANKS!

I’ve had the 0-Coast for about 6 weeks and it has been elevated to my most treasured piece of gear. Like you, I wanted to dip my toe into modular without the investment and the 0-Coast has satisfied that urge. It looks like Mescaline will have more options for external processing and customizing which does look cool. The demos sound great too. Part of my hesitation to jump into modular fully is the time it would take to set up, patch, learn, etc… time taken away from actual music making. That aspect would concern me to a lesser degree with Mescaline, but still… The 0-coast is just so EASY. Yet so deep. Also footprint is always a concern for me and I love the size of the 0-coast. I did recently pick up a Roland Bitrazer for a little more CV fun and my modular thirst is well satisfied… for now. +1 for the 0-Coast here!

0-Coast, I’d say.

It’s robust, rather small footprint, can do simple waves or sick overtones. Easy to use, but can go rather deep as well.

Modular GAS killer, in my case.

0-Coast, I'd say.
It's robust, rather small footprint, can do simple waves or sick overtones. Easy to use, but can go rather deep as well.

Modular GAS killer, in my case.

Thanks...those are good points for sure!

Btw, when trying to synthesize a 303 with my A4, I was liking 0-Coast square wave better, for some reason.

Here is the very first track I did with the 0C (alone) : it gives a good overview of what it’s capable soundwise.


Thanks everyone…I love what I’m hearing of the 0-coast. Wonderful tones! However, I caved on the Folktek Mescaline. It’s just so unique and the pricepoint for what’s offered plus audio processing capabilities - I just had a hard time passing up. It looks like I’ll just have to grow into it and learn. I also have an eowave ribbon synth I got as a gift but never used…and now I plan on triggering the Mescaline with it. I will probably get an O-Coast at some point. Probably, I’ll also look at the expert sleepers device to connect to Reaktor Blocks.

wow the O coast sounds really good LyingDalai!

Thanks everyone...I love what I'm hearing of the 0-coast. Wonderful tones! However, I caved on the Folktek Mescaline. It's just so unique and the pricepoint for what's offered plus audio processing capabilities - I just had a hard time passing up. It looks like I'll just have to grow into it and learn. I also have an eowave ribbon synth I got as a gift but never used..and now I plan on triggering the Mescaline with it. I will probably get an O-Coast at some point. Probably, I'll also look at the expert sleepers device to connect to Reaktor Blocks.

I think that you’re also more likely to find 0-Coast-ish implementations in Reaktor Blocks than you are likely to find something like Mescaline… Certainly enough for you to explore its concepts. Whereas the ‘breadrack’ kind of devices like Mescaline and other Folktek modules (along with things like the Olegtron 4060 or NS1 Nano Synth) have some extra chaotic points that are harder to replicate in software.

I ultimately passed on this round on the Mescaline. It’s really cool but… I have nearly enough of such things at this point. Still! Here’s some Instagram clips of some experiments with their older Matter eurorack module and the fun you can have with adding other electrical components.

Regular Eurorack/Matter patching with a Pittsburgh Game System and Make Noise Telharmonic and not much else:
✨𝔢𝔲𝔫𝔥𝔞 𝔞𝔩𝔰𝔬 𝔡𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰✨ on Instagram: "#folktek matter first experiment with my tiny system. With #pittsburghmodular game system and #makenoisemusic #Telharmonic. @folktek"

Accidental theramin: ✨𝔢𝔲𝔫𝔥𝔞 𝔞𝔩𝔰𝔬 𝔡𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰✨ on Instagram: "Well this was a strange and happy accident. 4060 is off and there's no photo resistor cell on it. And when I move my hand near and far from it, the matter changes pitch! #folktek #olegtron @folktek @olegtron"

Using finger contact with a single shift-register chip and no other patching to make a noise instrument: ✨𝔢𝔲𝔫𝔥𝔞 𝔞𝔩𝔰𝔬 𝔡𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰✨ on Instagram: "#folktek matter + 8-bit shift register + fingers = touch based harsh noise instrument! @folktek"

Not entirely sure what’s going on here. Regular Matter patching, some extra breadboard patching from Olegtron, and shift-register-skin-contact patching: ✨𝔢𝔲𝔫𝔥𝔞 𝔞𝔩𝔰𝔬 𝔡𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰✨ on Instagram: "Down in the city of heartbreak and shift registers. #folktek #olegtron #matter"

Mescaline gets you all that and more!

Thanks jshell! Going to check all this out.

wow the O coast sounds really good LyingDalai!

Still have to have it in my life at some point!

wow the O coast sounds really good LyingDalai!

Yes it does :smiley:

I have repeated countess time that the duo A4 + 0-Coast is a pretty good combo, so I won’t say it again :wink:

Hi fellow 0-Coast owners!
Can you tell me how well the MIDI tracking works on your 0-Coast? Because if I fine tune mine to a C already the nearest notes are a bit off…
Sorry for hijacking this thread

Have you made sure you’re on the very last firmware ?

+ I noticed that when I was using FM the pitch was 1 semitone higher… So are you using FM in your test ?