
New release or maybe OB-4 update?

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Curious to see what it is I will be spending my money on

Like a firmware update or an MKII? I doubt they’d release a new OB-4 after their special edition Lennon versions right? I never got on the bandwagon. It would be fun if they made a mini version to complement the Field system. :upside_down_face:


It’s the OP-XY, whatever that is, it was teased on Instagram by the TE CEO.


Maybe the Looper that on guy told that was developing with TE…


The looper in the TP7

My bet is : Some visual device like interactive pixel-art (XY) display

People are going to get disappointed. Either with the price, functions or self made expectations.


Check out the 400+ posts over on elektronauts forum for more detail.


Ok Internet is going sideways if its a Z with a

  • LEDatrix display,

  • Independent Tape Lopp on each track

  • Advanced Video control/VJ remote

  • XY matrix of steps for step seq, track edits and song mode, with track intermodulation, midi roting matrix + external MIDI tracks

  • multiple flavors of new high grade engines and lofi 8bit style + drum synthesis , with synth part intermodulation and routing matrix

  • advance sampling/resampling with realtime stretch and granular options with morden memory and file management

  • FX per part + global FX + Mastering FX + DJ FX

  • Assignable touch strip with macros

  • Performance features like scene recall, freeze and repeats all unify able and possible in realtime

  • Apps going to allow videos editing

  • Superb audio quality with standard I/O options both audio and midi

  • 4x Expansion slots for additional IO, synth and analog options

  • Its going to include a Bluetooth light serials and a a disco ball


Its going to be

  • Singing Doll that you can tilt with an accelerometer to control a remote toy car

  • Includes a free head cap and a sticker

Or something in-between :facepunch::v:


surpised this thread is crickets now xy is out

minutes 1-4 show how different this is than Z

all around great demo of features