A bunch of videos about analog tape editing (spoiler: it's a pain!)

These videos made me gain some perspective about how so very easy to use is the tape recorder on the OP-1 machines. I knew it was just a quirky emulation of a real tape recorder for the retro value but I hadn’t fully clocked what cut and splice would actually entail in the good old days.

If like me you’ve grown up with digital music and don’t have a clue of how this thing used to work you might find them interesting.

Mods: Hope this is not too off-topic for General category, please move it somewhere else if needed. Thanks! :pray:

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Thanks! Looking forward to watching this. I don’t have suitable data where I am right now.
My late father had reel-to-reel 1/4” tape machines, nothing studio grade just mono home stuff. But he showed me when I was a kid (early 90’s) how to cut and splice tape and join it.
There was something magical about hearing high fidelity music while watching those spinning reels.
A huge benefit of OP-1 is how you can record over a track that is already there and keep what’s on the tape prior. The overdub. For the most part this wasn’t really a thing on real tape. Significant limitations and downsides. OP-1 is pretty amazing this way.

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