All OP1 EP 'Artifacts' by Aemaer

Hey guys id love some feedback on my all OP1 EP called Artifacts. Any advice and feedback welcome good or bad.

Its kind of ambient, ethereal, lofi tape vibe.


Really nice sounds, good work! Can I ask what reverb you used on the first track?
I love the OP1 spring, but never sounds that lush too me…

Hey, yeah I use the avalanche run pedal by earthquaker devices to prepare some samples before loading into OP1. Spring is great to create some stereo image but not so much on ambient

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ah ok cool, thought there was some op-1 reverb trick I was missing! nice music :+1:

I love all the wavy hazy sounds ! It sounds like wow and flutter on a tape… but i guess it isn’t exactly that since the OP-1 doesn’ t have a real tape :slight_smile: are you manipulating the tape speed or doing something else to get that effect?

Hey man, when playing from op tape tracks tweak the blue knob. It momentarily adjusts tape speed giving that wow flutter effect

by the way guys without being a shameless plugger you can find all my social media for Aemaer at