All this op-xy talk is all fine and well but uhhhh…

Who cares? lol [jk] ofc

I don’t wanna hear about updates and bug fixes for defective rollouts anymore …

I don’t care about firmware updates for peripheral devices that have absolutely no use to a musician in the realest sense of the word “performance”

Where is the updates for the op-z, KO II and most of all, Where is a firmware update for the op1f

I know TE watches this place closely so I hope they are aware their three best musical staples are languishing while their new “co-flagship” sets sails for reconditioning or replacement

We love you so please don’t neglect
KO II firmware (WAYYYY overdue)
Op1F (would be very nice to see some thought and development is going into what I still think truly defines this company and makes it beyond compare; I think the op-z/op-xy are NEARLY totally tied but are in fact a very very close second, especially the op-xy being a co flagship but the op1 is still something that fascinates me everytime I get a real chance to get into it)
And the op-z (it would be great to see some op/z love still too)

Ofc continue to fix the op-xy but I mean it’s 2025 and the koii needs some attention


Hell yeah. Op-1 field is still king we need some cool updates. I think we will at some point. The OG had updates for 10 years almost.


And the known bugs in the TX-6 firmware related to gain questions and click noises. Neither are features you want in a mixer.


What’s funny is shortly after making this thread, the op-xy got an update a couple hours later

Every move they make I like TE less and less: Oh well. Can’t always stay #1 I guess….

I’m done with buying gear anyway so I guess just accept the op1F and ko2 are nearing their maximum potential now(and the op-z is as good as forgotten) that all attention is being wasted on one product that needs a lot of tightening up - probably won’t be until end of the year we see updates for the instruments that matter and need it (ko2, op-z,op1, etc)

Again; I got them for what they could do; not what they should or would do so I’ll just accept it and be happy with them since I love em as they are anyway

Too bad though ,

TE is proving to be truly “teenage” to their name with their completely unfocused vision now

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Regarding the OP-Z the smart move now would be to further enhance the visual features that differentiate it from the OP-XY: Videopaks, Photomatic, Lights. So much potential with Unity these days. What happened to the AI image prototype thingy for OP-Z? Further differentiation would probably help both OP-Z and OP-XY sales.


Don’t you think that’s an extremely negative take on things? Yes, the OP-XY is getting a lot of attention because the current state of the unit is - without a doubt - a hit to their brand and image.

Do you honestly think this is the time to throw attention towards the devices you mention? Do you actually think the right move right now, in the midst of all this, is to focus on platforms that work well?

In my opinion they are trying to fix their faulty launch of a flagship product, which will give them breathing room to actually improve their total line up :slight_smile: So take a chill pill, friendo. The devices you mention will probably receive some shine in the near future.


Yes I do think it’s time to remind them to not forget those 3 items….in fact, it should’ve been done even before this launch, so they could then concentrate just on fixing what they definitely knew would be issues, as they have with every rollout , some complete fadergate disasters and some are like these fixes (crash prevention updates, bug fixes etc) - but didn’t they just do a tx6 or tp7 update? Maybe a week or month before surprise dropping the XY?

The KO II needed an update a year ago
The op-z two years ago
The op1F could use some attention at least in terms of some QOL fixes: putting in a countin, maybe a threshold record, there are so many easy fixes the op1F could use, and it’s been on the market for 2 years+ now?

So absolutely, the Xy had enough shine with the huge draw they got to their surprise marketing campaign , and now we know they gotta fix things, I don’t want TE thinking they’re doing us any favors by fixing a co-flagship and forgetting another flagship + the other 2 needs some fixes and improvement , and I know the ko2 and op-z are peanuts to them compared to XY but there are thousands of loyal customers who’ve been waiting in line patiently

Just cuz the XY costs more than the rest of the items doesn’t mean it should cut the line in terms of updates. Just cuz their QA/QC is still as bad as it was before doesn’t mean the XY should get preferred treatment. Just cuz they weren’t ready for launch(expectedly so ironically) doesn’t mean we should still have to wait, etc etc and so on blah blah rant

I wasn’t being negative babydoll - I hope that clarifies my timing since you were interested in throwing in 2 cents, I felt you deserved a reason/reply

But it wasn’t meant to be a hot take: I don’t know what made you put it that way?

Edit- oh! and it’s your first post lol

Ok let TE know, it’s WAYYYYY
long over due , should be done this month now that you asked friend lol

The op-xy needs to be their top priority. It’s way too buggy and the UI is still pretty bad.

Regarding the op-1f, I don’t see the urgency for any updates to it. There is nothing really that’s broken or buggy. It’s just features that people have been asking for or expecting for years that they might never intend to add anyways. I think it’s basically a finished product at this point.


I agree the op1F doesn’t need the updates that the other two need

But I do get why the XY must be their first priority ofc.

That was just a reminder to TE that we didn’t forget about the KO II fw

But your right ofc and I hope they iron it out soon for all you guys who got it on launch

(If they are finished products then I’m glad I only wanted the op1F to begin with haha)

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The OP-1f has had 14 updates in less than 3 years.

The OP-XY needs to be updated now because there are bugs. The OP-1f, at this point, is solid. Working on the OP-XY to fix issues, rather than working to add features to the OP-1f, is sensible and reasonable.



Yes I agree ofc once again

  • my thread was more about
  1. reminding about the need for a fw update for the ko2 - def a couple of bugs they didn’t quite finish with
  2. seeing if anyone else was interested in a op-z update besides me? Or is everyone else moved on by now and I’m kinda stuck wishing on that ?
  3. again , I agree the op1f doesn’t NEED any updates like a crash or bug fix error type update the opxy needs; but with that said, I hope that they still will do another update every now and then for stuff like I mentioned (adding a threshold and/or count in for recording - like that is the one thing I don’t know why they never updated - and ofc everyone has their own list or wishlist)

So by All means, practically speaking , I’m on the same page as you guys and I know WHY TE will stick to the task at hand

I was just wondering if anyone else on here was hoping on any updates for any of their other 3 main instruments , or even the tx-6?

And if anyone had any reason to expect or suspect one might be coming soon?

So ignore the provocative title by all means and stick to the Main question if you want to weigh in on that ?

Anyone have hope in a ko2 fw update or op1F update again ? Or do you guys think it’ll just be fixes and the products are finished?

Oh there you go, I just noticed, so there’s one vote for another item in the field line, the tx-6; and yes; you def need that thing working tip top if it’s your main mixer. I think it’s the sickest mixer on the planet and should I need a mixer or recorder I’m going to buy the field line.


I’m still really interested in the op-z, it’s one of the instruments I use the most, and I’d love to see new features in its firmware, but it seems that TE has already closed its life cycle, you can’t buy batteries, nor certain modules like the zm-4, the firmware hasn’t been updated since 2022…

And most importantly, I still prefer the op-z to the op-xy (I haven’t bought an op-xy for this reason), even though they share features, the workflow of the op-z is amazing.


The op-z is cool but I don’t think there’s any chance they add any more features to it.

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If they stopped fixing bugs on the tx-6 I would be beyond pissed off. That thing was so expensive and it’s not like it’s been replaced by anything.


Well, I still have suggestions that I think can be implemented in the op-z.

Adding 4 pages of 16 steps like the op-xy, it’s nice to be able to extend the length of a track, but you lose precision.

A sample manager in the op-z app, to be able to store samples for the op-z and be able to load them easily.

Being able to manage configuration file options with some key combination, such as the options for dimmer LEDs, sending to parameter fx 1 when you use the shift key, etc.

There are improvements that could be made, but I already know that this is not likely to happen.

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These are all good suggestions but I’m sure they don’t want to invent time in something that competes with the op-xy.

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I don’t see the op-z competing though

I hope they don’t discontinue the op-z if that’s how it’s being viewed

I beg to differ: the main strength of the op-z concept is that it can operate outside its hardware limitations by incorporating your android/ios device. Just look at the recent video sampling videopak, it’s just nuts what people with dedication come up with. It’s the most innovative device out there, still. Way to go.


It is amazing what some people are doing with video paks. Having said that I really don’t like having to use my phone to make music. That’s just a personal thing. So I prefer having a single device that can work on its own.

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