Ambient looping with the OP-XY

I really love this machine more and more everyday! I haven’t even started using its sequencer yet…


Should I put the OP-1 field’s Strata sample pack within the Streta’s project folder in order to use them on my OP-XY ? :thinking:

That wouldn’t work. Send me a message on IG on I’ll send you the OP-XY sample pack.

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Ok. I made a tutorial video for what’s going on above yo!!!

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I purchased this sound pack for the OP-XY. I can manually load the sounds just fine into tracks, but when I open a project, it is empty. I understand that there isn’t a sequence, but I thought that a project contains the elements such as loading sounds to tracks, setting track lengths, etc. as mentioned in the comments on your gumroad product page.



Hmmm. Did you copy the workspace file to your main folder? It doesn’t go in the user folder.
It should definitely be loading up presets/samples for the first 6 tracks.

Yes…after saving my original workspace file. I can see and load all the projects listed as well as all the patch files. If I load one of your project files, it loads very quickly compared to any of the other project files I have that either I created or acquired elsewhere, and no tracks have sounds loaded and I am not sure what I should be seeing.

Hmmm. Do you have our Strata Soundpack? This free pack was just a Project pack.

Yes, I purchased both the pack for the OP-1 Field and for the OP-XY, and did so before downloading the project pack.

Maybe I didn’t put the sounds in the right sub-directory?

The projects are directly under projects/user.
I put the presets under presets/#strata.

Maybe the presets should be under a different subdirectory name instead of “#strata”?


That’s really weird. Can you email you folder system in the OP-XY?
here is my email

Do you mean a description of it or the actual files and directories in a zip file?

Edit: Forgot to mention that I am running 1.0.25 firmware, if that matters.

Sorry I meant to take a picture of what your file system looks like on your computer.

Very interesting workflow. What’s actually going on here @Colors ? I watched your video but still don’t quite get it.

You launch looping samples without the sequencer, and then just let them run independently of each other?

How long can one such loop be?

Yep you’re exactly correct. Each loop can be 20 seconds.

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Ah, okay, thank you. I am considering getting the XY to pair with my Field, but wonder if that would maybe contradict the whole idea of the Field as a device quite capable on its own.

I got two of your packs, by the way :slight_smile: lovely lovely stuff.

Any word regarding my issue with the project files? The sounds themselves work fine, so if the problem can’t be resolved, I can live with what I have, especially considering you provided the project files at no cost. I have several of your sound packs for both the OP-XY and OP-1 Field and all are excellent.

I have to be honest with you I always wanted the OP-1f to be able to have more than one instrument being able to run at the same time. I love the tape work flow so I’ll always keep the OP-1f but having them together is brilliant… I’m hoping this week to make a video of them together.

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I’m going to send you an email. I’m still really perplexed though as it really should be working.

Got the email - thanks. Maybe I am not seeing what I am expecting and really things are fine? I load one of your projects and it loads instantly, when every other project I have, has a second or two delay load time. Then, I don’t see any sounds loaded to a track. I don’t expect to see anything sequenced, but then, you did say that is as intended.

Looking forward to that :slight_smile: I don’t think for my case, another beast of a machine is what I need right now. Having said that, I’m still thinking about it. So I’ll be watching that video with interest.