So, I have made a few songs chaining patterns together- how do I edit the chain order or even unchain/cancel the linked playback?
From what I’ve seen you just have to recreate the chain. They don’t see to save between power cycles either :neutral:
@dbell said:
From what I’ve seen you just have to recreate the chain. They don’t see to save between power cycles either :neutral:
Have a look at this reddit discussion.
That looks like some of it - you have to save the pattern chain or it is just lost when you turn off
1: Hold pattern and dial in the sequence
2: While still holding pattern, hold down a white keyboard key. The sequencer LEDs will light up sequentially, when it reaches the end, your pattern chain is stored in that white key
So answers one and poses a few more questions- can you delete witout piower cycling and can you same more than 1 chain per program (I assume 16?) and if you do can you switch live (or chain a chain for 16 x 32 ;-))
Speaking of pattern chains, are the filter/effect/engine parameter automation and punch in effects recorded per chain or per pattern? I mean, if you have the same pattern multiple times in the chain, can each instance have its own data?
The is pattern notes copy and patter fx copy per pattern to build the different patterns, but you only have 16 pattern variation to save and chain (I don’t believe there is another level to add variation to chains, its just a pre-recorded playing order, although you can do this live with punch in fx etc)
It’s Pattern + shift + sequence order to create/jam a chain then press and hold white piano key to store the chain. I think you can record tweaks within the seq chain (like PO’s) but the chains themselves have to be triggered manually.
Interesting- I will check that tonight-= if you can chain together patterns in to say a 3 minute song and then record tweaks (life fx, parameter changes) that don’t record on the patterns (and repeat with the chain if the pattern is repeated in the chain) then that will be great
My mistake @SLiC any recorded tweaks on chains get recorded to individual patterns.
I guess you could save a snapshot (this will save your entire project!!!) of unaltered patterns, record tweaks then revert to the saved snapshot.
@skintechnician said:
It’s Pattern + shift + sequence order to create/jam a chain then press and hold white piano key to store the chain. I think you can record tweaks within the seq chain (like PO’s) but the chains themselves have to be triggered manually.
Im away from the Z right now, but I did note some chains are auto enabled when I hit play on a project. How would I toggle different chain groups? Thx!
That was pretty much my initial question- how do I unlink/turn it off! I can only assume (also way from Z) that you have to delete the saved chain?
@skintechnician said:
My mistake @SLiC any recorded tweaks on chains get recorded to individual patterns.
That was what I thought, essentially their is a pattern chain mode, not a ‘song mode’ unless there is something that can be done on the master track?
I believe that’s correct @SLiC. @PLNB in order to get out of a chain simply select any pattern, or select a different chain to play after the current chain has finished. You can overwrite a chain by recording a new chain to the same white piano key slot.
@skintechnician said:
My mistake @SLiC any recorded tweaks on chains get recorded to individual patterns.
I guess you could save a snapshot (this will save your entire project!!!) of unaltered patterns, record tweaks then revert to the saved snapshot.
If you hold Shift while tweaking parameters during playback, they will revert to their pattern settings when releasing Shift. FX 1 send on the channel you are tweaking gradually increases the more you alter parameters. Imagine delay clusters, reverb blooms, or bitcrushing destruction growing in the background while you tweak and snapping back to normal with the release of Shift.
@Lymtronics I’ve been using shift+parameter a ton it’s loads of fun. While also holding shift+piano keys triggers punch-in efx. I’ve been combining the two methods which is insane however I’ve experienced quite a few lock-ups/freezes using this technique. Hopefully a firmware update will fix this.
@skintechnician said:
I believe that’s correct @SLiC. @PLNB in order to get out of a chain simply select any pattern, or select a different chain to play after the current chain has finished. You can overwrite a chain by recording a new chain to the same white piano key slot.
I still can’t find a way to actually delete a saved chain!
@SLiC neither can I. I tried a couple of different “stop” combos but ended up accidentally deleting a seq in the process…
I tried the app too but that was a no go. Seems like a simple enough task wouldn’t be surprised if it gets addressed in a future update. Otherwise all op-z users will eventually have the entire row of chains always lit.
I mean they’re already hard enough to memorize (without app) as it is lol
Even weirder I saved a chain in No Save mode and it still appeared after I switched back to normal auto-save mode.
@skintechnician said:
@SLiC neither can I. I tried a couple of different “stop” combos but ended up accidentally deleting a seq in the process…
I tried the app too but that was a no go. Seems like a simple enough task wouldn’t be surprised if it gets addressed in a future update. Otherwise all op-z users will eventually have the entire row of chains always lit.
I mean they’re already hard enough to memorize (without app) as it is lolEven weirder I saved a chain in No Save mode and it still appeared after I switched back to normal auto-save mode.
Yes, chains always save it seems and I have pretty much come to terms with the fact that you cants delete (I tried all the combos as well) and just have to over-write which is a bit remiss but I am sure it will be addressed. Its also pretty annoying that you can see all the 32 pattern numbers on the app in a grid but canst delete/edit, so if you have programed 32 steps in but just want to change 1 you have to start again…they call it ‘song’ mode in the app…I hope that it is developed, I could live with just delete/edit ion the app.
When holding shift and tweak parameters, you can keep those parameter tweaks by holding the mix button on the top of the OP-Z before letting go of shift. I bet it would work if you hold any of the top buttons, but I use the mix button for some reason.