How can I create arcade style chords on my op1.
Commodore 64 arpeggiated Old skool chords.
How can I create arcade style chords on my op1.
Commodore 64 arpeggiated Old skool chords.
endless! ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
Am I right in thinking the chord progressions you make are global and different progressions cannot be saved per pattern?
Asked this on another thread, and did some playing about. Definately global… But you can chain your chord sequence just like pattern sequence to make the full track.
Asked this on another thread, and did some playing about. Definately global.... But you can chain your chord sequence just like pattern sequence to make the full track.
Share your knowledge please
On the guide you can get the ‘secret’ button presses i.e. Button combinations.
I have attached the relevant parts of the guide to this post.
Buttons 1-16 have set chords attached to them by pressing s one of th buttons you will activate the chord change at the beginning of the next sequence.
However, by holding the chord button and tapping in a combination of buttons you ‘chain’ together a sequence of chords that will loop. The second image has an example of this.
If you know how long your song will be you can chain the chords for the whole song and also chain the patterns by holding pattern then pressing the sequence of patterns you want to play.
Re C64 arpeggios. You could play an arpeggio sound 9-12 whilst tweaking the pitch on the parameter pot to change the notes, that’s what I’ve been doing for ‘solos’. As soon as I have a proper song together I’ll post An example.
Hope that helps
@Tau he’s referring to PO Arcade, not OP1.
@Tau - are you referring to the bubbly arpeggiated nature of the actual notes on the PO-20 as opposed to the chords/drones? If so, then I created a couple of these Arcade-style patches on my OP-1 last night. They’re attached to this thread…
@Tau - are you referring to the bubbly arpeggiated nature of the actual notes on the PO-20 as opposed to the chords/drones? If so, then I created a couple of these Arcade-style patches on my OP-1 last night. They're attached to this thread...
thank you buddie i will try this