Reflecting on myself having been too rigid & “rule-bound” when i’ve made other Battle briefs in the past, i’m proposing merely 1 rule and 7 suggestions instead…
Rule 1: other than a trim/fade in on the front, normalizing, and a trim/fade out on the end, no post processing please - compose, mix, and master in the OP-1!
Suggestion 1: how about a downtempo feel: 80 +/- 8 for your BPM? OR go fast with a multiple of 80bpm (1.5x =120, 2x =160, etc.)
Suggestion 2: take some inspiration from your favorite tune from 1980 - chords, synth sounds, groove…
Suggestion 3: must use your least favorite patch from your least favorite synth engine
Suggestion 4: use the Pattern sequencer on at least on track (synth or drums)
Suggestion 5: use one external piece of gear/instrument into the OP-1: synth, guitar, controlled by OP-1 MIDI/clock or live play, your choice!
Suggestion 6: don’t take yourself too damn seriously!
Suggestion 7: have fun!!! The OP-1 is your oyster!
Deadline is Sunday April 24, 11:59pm EDT (US Eastern Daylight Time)
A friend of mine from Benin sent me a recording of him doing a “slam”. He asked me to put a beat under it. I thought it would make a nice entry for this battle.
Started out with recording the voice recording from my phone into the OP-1. Compressed it twice with punch and drive. Went for a multiple of 80 (160bpm) and added the drum part. Reused a guitar sample and made a small melody/riff with two of my least favorite synth engines; iter and pulse. Normalised in audacity. And as always I enjoyed the quick and spontaneous process.
Note: We had a bad storm and are without power Upstate, so i will not be able to respond until Tuesday…i will extend the deadline until Tuesday at 12:00 noon EDT!