Battle 29 "the one-note song"

@overseas_territory Nice track! I was picturing a forest in my mind to go with it… (next to the picture)

here is my track for battle 29.

one note is sampled from DSI Tempest. a nice thick analog kick. all other sounds are derived from that single note using effects, envelope, resampling and mucking with…all using OP-1 within the limits of the rules.

thanks to @moedars for a great concept for the battle.

Great track @kln! Lots of inventive twisting and turning to get a nice array of different tones. Good work!

Guys this was a though one. Blood, sweat and tears. I finished it this evening.

I sampled the ‘opening of a bottle of vintage port’


which was a feast itself :slight_smile:

Cut it to make separate samples. created the track with a lot of bouncing and sequencing arround. left the OP-1 domain for a short while to do a bit of track sorting (creating full tracks is a nightmare for me). Used a lot of live knob turning, filtering and cutting volume.
Hope you like it.
@moedars Thanks for hosting this good battle!

About the painting: This is a Jan Mandijn. Born in Haarlem lived from 1500 - 1560. I selected this piece because it I live in the same city and the piece shows boundaries of no food were there should be no boundaries at all. I found similarities between the track and the piece in complexity, organisation and isolation of individuals/endless sequences. Also love the ‘artified’ figures of course!

Distilled, shaped and curved by Marijn Uilenbroek | Free Listening on SoundCloud

My first battle!

@csus cool sounds! What’d you sample some kind of E-piano?

@Overseas_Territory Thank you! And its a sampled dulcimer made from cardboard I had from when I was younger

First entry also! Great entries so far. @kln sounds real good. Learned a lot from the process, but need to learn much more. The sound used to create everything is played in the beginning.


Here my mate-thermus essence:
here the lo-fi video:

Title: Signale

I started mine yesterday… I really hope I can turn it into something half decent before tonight! Yikes, time’s running out!

These are some nice additions! I’m really impressed with the diversity within the sampled sounds…

Here is mine just for the lulz.

I’ve sampled my accordion, because I’m official an accordion player so I had to represent :).It sounded like a cheesy keyboard sound, but when I was freaking with the sample time length it gave me a 8 bit kind of sound… and o, man… I love that!

After that I used a lot of “nitro” & LFO freakiness to shape it. It was a raw proces because the OP sometimes had a weird mind of it’s own… bringing extra clicks to the party, and not showing parts that are there (maybe u recognize).

As for the painting, people tend to associate the accordion as a melancholic instrument… and with melancholy I always think of the crying gypsy women/child. So my intension was to make a dramatic piece in waltz time based on the drama this little boy had to endure when his 8 bit nintendo got stolen, I guess :slight_smile:

Phew, I made it. Here’s mine:

Jabberwocky Dub by - yoof - | Free Listening on SoundCloud

The artwork is a picture of the Jabberwocky by John Tenniel, a poem that my Dad used to read to me when I was little. I’m not sure there’s much of a link between the picture and the music as the music is quite dubby and chill, although I’m sure even the Jabberwocky likes dub :slight_smile:

My sampled note was a held C note from a patch I made with the Digital synth engine on the Op-1. I spent a fair bit of time trying to craft some drums from the sample, hope they sound ok. I “played” Punch with low blue parameter to be able to sample some sub bass and found a nice way of getting some white noise from nothing (literally just sample nothing with the white ear on and drive really high, then resample the result a few times with the same settings) and used that to approximate that kind of sound you get in the background of dub techno tracks. Anyways, enough rambling :slight_smile:

Wow @yoof, your track came together nicely! Love the kits you made, and great drum programming.

Thanks @Jiggity! I was very impressed with your entry too, especially how you got the very pleasing kick and the bass patch from that scratch sample. Good work!

@jiggity & @yoof - thanks for the comments, fellas.

nice work yourselves!

lots of good entries this go around. liking @moedars great tune, title, and backing story too. ha! awesome.

looking forward to hearing anyone else who might make it before the deadline (or someone calls it).
I think the deadline comes to a close because our timezones are all on 5 january..

Sorry that I have to go n00b one more time, but @yoof will you do a playlist again? And when should the voting deadline be?

Sure thing, will put one together. We usually give about a week for voting.

Here it is:

@yoof cheers! I will make the voting tread now

@dj_KLN is a knockout. @YOOF too.