Battle 42 Voting

Cool story around the drum loop, @motone!

Kenn ich noch, Rave Satellite mit Marusha auf SFB 2 oder Rockradio B oder schon Fritz?@motone
@mixrasta Ich glaube, das war gerade der Umbruch von Rockradio zu Fritz. Sind bestimmt 50 Tapes, wenn nicht sogar noch mehr (2x 60min pro Sendung). Und wie es mich immer genervt hat, wenn Marusha in die Tracks reingelabert hat... "Posse in the house!!! Yeah!!!" ... "Stay hip! Klang Klick!" ... "Checkt es aus!" :D
Here's the current ranking (tell me if i'm right or wrong):
#1 @Konst 5
#2 @Himrod 4
#3 @LyingDalai 3
#4 @Edzilla & @yoof 2
#5 @eti @interpolate @motone @mixrasta 1

Well, I counted:

@himrod 4 votes (by @Eti, @motone, @Edzilla, @kln)
@Konst 4 votes (by @marius, @Patch, @yoof, @himrod)
@LyingDalai 3 votes (by @OperatorD, @mixrasta, @canar_batar)
@Edzilla 2 votes (by @interpolate, @Konst)
@yoof 2 votes (by @LyingDalai, @Spheric_El)
@Eti 1 vote (by @Callofthevoid)
@interpolate 1 vote (by @crudeoperator)
@mixrasta 1 vote (by @curdledgurdled)
@motone 1 vote (by @Servando)

You’re right @motone I’ve counted 2 @marius votes as he posted it twice.

Thank you

So we need new voters !!!
Operators, where’re you at ?

Ultimate lurkers sound track !!
Really nice the way the way the film samples blend this comp to a cohesive whole.
All entries so well done ,if no votes all is cool as so much to choose from.
@marius yes I was liking that as it flew by.
@Eti too.
@Konst obviously awesome.

Guys I just want to mention @OperatorD is not on the play list , which is a bit of a shame this late in votes. Maybe assign a free vote compo or something.
Thought I should mention @quaratequatre and @yoof ,just for reference . Not to worry too much as the totally spirit of these friendly battles is entry makes you an instant winner with so much learnt and achieved!

Edit its @curdlegurgled that’s not playing now.
So I must of been mistaken.
Maybe my iPod isn’t playing back soundcloud properly?..

You’re right @Spheric_El, I think @curdlegurgled change his soundcloud account :slight_smile: (Give us your new account buddy !)

And thank you for the mention :). I 'd liked to make a track just for fun, but haven’t had enough time :confused:

I’m gonna close the battle votes Sunday 23:59:59 (@motone ;))

Uhm, which timezone? :smiley: What about Sweden (=GMT+1)?

OP-1 time ! Ok for me :slight_smile:

my account in now NANDOS!

so excited for the next battle, i’ve been using next to nothing but samples from field recordings i’ve been making for an art project on the op-1 and they’ve been great fun!

Just changed the link. @yoof have to change it in the playlist :slight_smile:

Hey guys, I think it might have worked automatically… I can see a NANDOS track in the playlist. I think if it’s an account that was changed (rather than an entirely new account), Soundcloud is clever enough to migrate all existing playlists.

A little more than one hour left for voting…

@Konst and @himrod have 4 votes each !

Congratulations @himrod and @Konst!

Congrats! Joint battle winners!

So ? Next one is a bicephalous battle ?

Wonder what kind of battle would give a theme such as Lernaean Hydra :smiley:

Oh, wow. Thanks everyone for your support!