Battle 83: Backward Inspiration

The video sync thing was way too overwhelming for me. Busy time at work, this was all done on the train and Subway commutes over the last 3 weeks except the final continuous lead take - unmuting, switching loop sections on the tape track, tape tricks, and sound selection/performance and fade out in the Master section…my take on “lo-fi”

Only used Audacity for a tiny fade in on the front end and Normalized the whole file.

The inspirational visuals for me have been the sight of more and more rain as fall settles in here in Upstate NY & NYC

without further ado, here it is: Autumn Rain I

#OP-1 #lofi #autumnRain1 #teenageengineering #onthego #onthetrain #finaltouchesathome #tapetricks


was there a conclusion to this battle?

I’d like to get in on the next one. Had to go away for 35 days but I’m back.

Oops, yeah no one entered really so it wasn’t a real battle. I’m good closin this one down and someone else take the reigns fund next one.

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I’m down for a new one! To be frank, this one seemed a little too complex for me and life also decided to get in the way (still is, but I’m ready to fight it and make time haha)

Same tbh, my 1 yr old has been keeping me on my toes and we have been getting a bunch of work done to the house, but I would love to give another battle a shot. I think this one was a bit out of my reach for now

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There are two submissions, I think that still qualifies for a poll. :man_shrugging: