Brilliant op1 Ambient piece

I don’t know r beny at all but have been watching his excellent electribe ambient YouTube videos for a while. He’s now done a stunning Op1 track.

I look forward to the day I can achieve something close to this with my Op1

Killer jam. The OP-1 is definitely a little powerhouse. Seems that each set of hands does something different with it.

All sounds re-recorded on only one (4th) track?
Lovely track.

Great piece. I love the OP-1 for ambient stuff, the only downside being the tape is not really long enough for longer pieces which ambient music can often need. A few years back I did a whole ambient album using just the OP-1, and I will probably do some more in the future. A few other guys have done ambient stuff with the OP-1 too but I don’t remember who, maybe a good idea to have music category sections on the forum?

Six minutes is sometimes ‘just starting to get going’ territory with ambient stuff. Recording live seems to be the best solution for longer pieces. I’ve knitted together a few 6min passes to album before but that is far from ideal.

@darenager Your ambient album is great, you should certainly do some more! I also credit you for unknowingly selling me an OP-1 by describing it as ‘a distilled Radiophonic Workshop’ on a Muffs thread. Thats a bang-on description and exactly how I approach/use it :slight_smile:

Awesome one, is this guy on the forum ?

Awesome one, is this guy on the forum ?

That would be me :slight_smile:

Just got an OP-1 last week and I’m loving it.

@needles All 4 tracks are used. Track 4 was just used for the bass. I’m really happy that you can overdub tracks. Track 1 for example has 2 different pad parts going at once.

@darenager Mind linking to your album? I’d love to hear some more ambient music being made with the OP-1. The work done on the OP-1 by A Box in the Sea, SineRider and NoiseJockey ultimately convinced me I needed one.

@wildfrontiers sure

@wolflegjon thank you :slight_smile:

Awesome one, is this guy on the forum ?

That would be me :slight_smile:

Just got an OP-1 last week and I’m loving it.

@needles All 4 tracks are used. Track 4 was just used for the bass. I’m really happy that you can overdub tracks. Track 1 for example has 2 different pad parts going at once.

@darenager Mind linking to your album? I’d love to hear some more ambient music being made with the OP-1. The work done on the OP-1 by A Box in the Sea, SineRider and NoiseJockey ultimately convinced me I needed one.

Awesome one, is this guy on the forum ?

That would be me :slight_smile:

Just got an OP-1 last week and I’m loving it.

@needles All 4 tracks are used. Track 4 was just used for the bass. I’m really happy that you can overdub tracks. Track 1 for example has 2 different pad parts going at once.

@darenager Mind linking to your album? I’d love to hear some more ambient music being made with the OP-1. The work done on the OP-1 by A Box in the Sea, SineRider and NoiseJockey ultimately convinced me I needed one.

Great to see you in here, been following your videos for a while, tipped me over to getting an electribe.

+1 on A box in the sea. His videos are excellent. His setup is amazing. Can’t even begin to think how he gets it all to gel.

A few other guys have done ambient stuff with the OP-1 too but I don’t remember who, maybe a good idea to have music category sections on the forum?

Something like that would be nice. Or maybe we should just create a dedicated thread for posting ambient OP-1 tracks and discussing related techniques? The general ‘OP-1 Tracks’ thread is somewhat overwhelming.

Also, we could create a SoundCloud group dedicated to OP-1 ambient, but it seems a lot of tracks are on YouTube and BandCamp, so that would have a limited usefulness.

why not make this one the OP-1 ambient thread?

@darenager great work

@wildfrontiers you just got one? I think you’ve been on here for quite a while now… Maybe you’ve been one of them pocket operators? :slight_smile:

Anyways, really great track! Been gaining some deserved attention around the webs.

@wildfrontiers you just got one? I think you've been on here for quite a while now... Maybe you've been one of them pocket operators? :)

Anyways, really great track! Been gaining some deserved attention around the webs.

Yeah, I’ve been here since the first POs came out. I never had an itch to get the OP-1, but I really liked the community here, so I’ve been around. Something changed in the last few weeks and I finally decided to get an OP-1 and join the club :slight_smile: I couldn’t be happier.

I’m one of them back-and-forth types, but no more - I’m not selling it!! (again) :smiley:

You can’t just find anything so portable that’s so flexible. I’ve been really intrigued by the Circuit at one point, but capability-wise, there’s no contest.

@josker The Circuit and OP1 can be great friends, no need to chose one over the other. :)

@ghostly606 yeah, you’re right, and the gearslut in me keeps nagging about that thought… But I’ve found I need to be relatively minimal with gear, or it becomes less about making music and more about admin :slight_smile: Others juggle more gear like it’s no thing…

I like slowing the tape speed down to get longer things going, it gives a really mellow vibe and doesn’t lower quality too terribly much until you get super extreme. The downfall is that the Album is still stuck at 6 minutes so you have to record it all elsewhere.