Bugs when using other step counts than 16

If you try making patterns that are of length 12 steps, tracks 1 and 2 work fine, but other tracks behave unpredictably (cannot record properly, patterns sometimes reset length… and other deal breakers)
I haven’t tried other step counts, maybe it’s the same issue.
(Latest firmware. 1.0.21)

More specifically when trying to create 2 bars of 12 steps, for example.

bug still present on the latest 1.0.25 firmware.
here is video of the issue https://youtu.be/lHoRnuTgGH8?si=Z_-FMg3gsGZ69bC5

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That does seem like unexpected behavior. I haven’t used different step numbers yet so I haven’t encountered this. What happens if you make bar one 16 steps and bar two 8 steps? Does it stay in sync then?

I wonder how the OP-Z handled this?

TE responded to my request:

the good news is that the sequencer on track 3 is working as it should do, it’s just that it might not be the most intuitive!

to be clear, you can’t set the number of steps per bar, only the total number of steps active per pattern. the way you have it now isn’t 12+12 but 16+12 which is why it goes out of time. what you would need to do is take 8 steps out of the second bar so you have 16+8 and then the bass would match the drums. the last 4 steps of the first bar would actually be the first 4 of the second.

this is because when you add a bar, you’re not technically adding a bar but actually adding 16 more steps to the pattern. it might be easier to think of it as a total number of steps rather than as bars. if your drum pattern is 12 steps long and you want your bass line to stay in sequence, you would need a multiple of 12 steps (12, 24, 36 etc) active in that pattern. in this case, as you want your bass to be 24 steps but you have 32 steps active, you need to take 8 off the last bar.

it does make it confusing that when you are in bar 1 and hold the bar button, it is showing you 12. what the OP-XY is showing you is how many steps are missing in total, not how many are active in that bar.

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I think this is a common approach among grooveboxes using sequencers layed out on 16 step length grids including Elektron devices, Deluge, etc. The naming conventions are usually based on 4/4 (thus the bar for 16 steps) but anyway you can crate music with arbitrary time signature and these sequencers can support it by letting you define the steps you just need to count the bars.