Camera button pulses when off, battery drains overnight

Hi Everyone!

First post here and I just got my OP-Z last week. I am loving using it so far. However I am concerned about how fast the battery is draining and the fact the Camera button pulses while the unit is powered off. I cannot find any information about why this button would be pulsing other than if the unit was charging (which it isn’t as there are no cables connected).

I have a rumble module installed and unsure if it is related?

I have tried opening the unit up, removing the module, reinserting it and ensure it is locked into place, then closing the unit. This seems to fix it but I can no longer check the charge with the screen button. As soon as I turn the unit on and off again the problem returns.

Do I need to worry about it?

I have the latest firmware from 20.02.07 (1.2.20).

Thanks in advance for any support!