Hey everyone,
I really like the sound of the iter filter, however i’m not daring enough to risk bricking to gain access to it. Would anyone be kind enough to send me patches of each synth engine with the filter turned on?
Thanks for the reply. Just to clarify, I would like a patch for every synth engine with the iter filter on. Don’t bother about naming it, the default preset name is fine.
Download the patch above, then hit Shift+1 to change the sound engine
Okay, to clarify again, I’m interested in using the ITER filter for each synth engine. I cannot currently do that however, as I haven’t flashed custom firmware onto it. There is no way that I know of to change synth engines but maintain fx asdr and LFO over presets. I’m asking for someone who has an op-1 with custom firmware installed, to make patches for each engine with the ITER filter on then I would be able to use that hidden filter with each synth without modifying the firmware of my op-1.thanks again.
There is no way that I know of to change synth engines but maintain fx asdr and LFO over presets.
There is, what LyingDalai said: hold shift and press T1 (ie the “1” under the screen, NOT the 1-8 buttons) will change the synth engine without changing the env/fx/lfo settings – analogous to shift+T3/T4 to swap out the fx/lfo without changing anything else.
(unless I’m not understanding something)
WHAT? My mind is actually blown. THAT’S AMAZIN! Thanks guys.