This is not a rant, I’m actually here hoping for a constructive discussion with you guys because I really need to make up my mind after days of “solo pondering” that lead to no conclusion whatsoever .
I’m really interested in your opinions, suggestions (if any) and personal stories.
To add some context before addressing my main issues, know that I love the op-1 field, like a lot. I love it for its design, for its quirks and limitations, and for what it represents to me, since the OG-1 has been my gateway into electronic music and synths (I’m a hobbyist, not playing professionally) and I just don’t see myself being without an OP-1.
That said, lately, I’m barely using it, especially compared to other devices like the syntakt or the push 3 (standalone), or even some iPhone apps like Koala sampler or ableton Note. And so, when I think about its price tag… let’s say a little voice inside keeps telling me that I’m being a little irresponsible towards my wallet because I really can’t justify its price anymore considering how little I’m using it.
I bought the field for its stereo quality and, mainly, for the investment into future updates (considering the outstanding support the OG-1 has received from TE).
Now for sure some pretty neat features have come already, my favourite of which is the merge drop. Yet I’m not seeing TE particularly invested into updating the device, especially when it comes to a couple of deal breakers (as subjective as they are) that are still there, which are ultimately the main reasons I’m considering the sell:
Pops and cracks. Are still there since I have memory, they happen mainly when you cut or record on a loop, and there is no way around it, as far as I’m aware.
Happens even on tracks where there seems to be silence (maybe after I’ve recorded some long reverb), whenever I perform a cut there’s this 70% chance I get an audio crackle, without any means to mitigate it such as cross fading, volume editing, whatever. This might be nothing for others but it really grinds my gears considering it’s a problem that is being carried over since OG-1 and it’s quite noticeable. For a device whose main purpose is to actually manipulate and record audio rather than perform sequences of sounds, and with a more professional stance, I really can’t find a way to make peace with this issue. -
Sequencers, or the lack of them. I have no comfortable way of sequencing (mainly drums) in a way that doesn’t seem like a useless chore. This is a double edged sword because on the one hand I have found pretty nice and creative ways to build very unpredictable and organic sequences with the built in “sequencers”… yet when I would like to create something more standard and less random, like structuring my beat “on a grid” and maybe adding a slight swung feel, any solution I’ve found becomes needlessly time consuming and ultimately frustrating. For context, some solutions are: using my op-z to sequence drums on the op-1; recording a sequence from some iphone sampling app or the op-z itself and using the op-1 just for melody and arrangement; structuring the beat on multiple tracks for fine control and then merging on a single one to keep on layering. Every solution carries side effects (bpm sync, managing midi I/O, needing multiple devices for doing one simple thing…etc.)
Project QOL. Having multiple tapes is a HUGE leap over the OG-1 for me, since it allows me to treat them as projects and work on multiple things whit out the need of backupping/transfering files. However there’s still the big downside of needing to manage all the patches because they are global…so starting a new tape often ends up in this chore of going trough my current patches and see if maybe I want keep something before overriding it.
I know these problems might be negligible to someone because, in a way, they could seem negligible to me if I decide to treat my op-1 field as a portable musical sketchpad, and not a creative production-enabling device… but lately some apps on my damn phone are becoming way more functional and expressive than the op-1 field for this same purpose, and all that seems to be remaining is the dopamine hit I get when i look at it for its design and its beauty which, unfortunately for me, can’t be priced 2k.
Also, I think that my biggest friction is in the cognitive dissonance I get, because I tend to imagine the op-1 like a “synth buddy that comes with me” and allows me to get into a creative state in a matter of seconds with a neat portable studio that easily fits my backpack. Yet it comes with so much built in friction that it instead wants to be used out of a deliberate choice, when you’re sure to have time, will and energy to engage into something that ultimately you will want to bring somewhere else (like to your DAW or anything) in case you like it because continuing on the op-1 would take you ages / be too limiting.
Now if I were you, I’d probably say “it seems like the op-1 is not a good fit for you anymore, and you should consider selling it”, but there is this thought that keeps haunting me and makes me wait and keep the device: I would hate to sell it and miss that one massive firmware upgrade that adds that freaking cool feature and makes me regret my choice.
Yet, I don’t see many signals hinting at TE allocating resources and efforts on the op-1 field, mainly because they seem very busy on other product lines and the OP-1 Field seems well appreciated by its users for what it is already.
I’m aware that this is a very long post full of personal issues that only I can come to terms with, but if you’re still here, I kindly ask you to give me your personal story and your reasons that make you keep the device, your thoughts on my issues and my indecision, and maybe some hints to spark some new usage I’m failing to see.
Thank you for your time