CLIPTRIG | A low-res video looper for the OP-Z

Hey all! Just finished making a lowrez video live looper for the OP-Z!

Its a super fun videopak where you can load in any video and beatmatch it (with audio) to your opz music.

You can zoom in and skip around the timeline in realtime kinda like the video equivalent of trimming samples on the 404.

Also dj stuff like setting cue points and time nudge :slight_smile:



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This looks awesome, thank you!

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It’s so wild that years after release new diy gems like this continue to come out and enhance this machine in such crazy ways that were unthinkable some years ago. I hate to say it, but the bring-your-own-screen-and-external-computing-power maybe was a good decision after all :wink: Makes me think that this live AI image generation prototype for visuals that TE pitched some years ago can actually become a reality even for the op-z at some point.


wow, this is really awesome, so full of cool features and ideas. everyone should check it out!

@EcstasyJones - a few questions for you:

  1. is the only way to get the video’s audio back into the op-z via the line module? or is there a way to route it back to the device over USB?
  2. I’m not quite sure I understand the sequencer; can saved cue points be sequenced? also, can effects be sequenced like step components?
  3. is there a way to add syphon support to the z-pack, or does that require the op-z app adding syphon functionality?

thanks and sorry so many questions/asks, just getting my footing on this awesome piece of software :slight_smile:


Thanks for the questions!

  1. Yes, you can route the audio from the videopak to the OP-Z over USB I usually do this. you just need to ensure USB input is enabled in the op-z settings (shift +3 on the module track).

If you have a newer iOS device with USB-C then it’s just a single cable. If you have an older iOS device with a lightning port then you need to use the camera connection adapter from Apple in order for it to work.

  1. Yes, both cue points and effects can be sequenced. Pressing a cue will bring the timeline to the cue point, but it will only update the video to that position on the next trigger. It can help to have multiple channels on the OP-Z on channel 16 for this purpose, one for cues, and another for triggers.

  2. It looks like the OP-Z app actually has Syphon scripts built into it, although I’m not sure if they are utilized. I would have to look into the code and see if it’s something that can be accessed with a videopak.

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Awesome, thank you for the info! So cool that you built this for the community for free.

So far I can’t seem to get the audio routing working, but will keep messing around with that (I’m using the MacOS version of the OP-Z app, not iOS).

Just to clarify, to sequence a cue point, I press the associated number key once, and then add a trig to the sequencer? I guess what I’m trying to achieve is parameter locks for each step (i.e. different parts of the video + different FX parameter settings on a per-step basis)…is this possible?

Thanks for the info!

I was able to reproduce the audio issue on my Mac. It seems that OP-Z needs to be selected as the Mac’s audio device before opening the op-z app.

And yup, if you want to sequence different positions, the cue point needs to hit before the trigger. There will be a bit of lag while it’s loading new frames so I usually have the cue a few steps before.

Parameter locking little tricky:

Parameter locking time positions is hard because it will always be relative to the current timeline window, not an exact location. It’s possible to use it to do automated seeking by changing the timeline window with cue and zoom and then locking the playhead to different relative locations but it’s hard to be precise with it.

Parameter locking effects to specific points in the video is also a little tricky because of the nudge function. The nudge offsets the video playback against the sequencer. In this sense, it is a delay between when the trigger hits and when the video actually plays. There will always be a bit of delay, even if nudge is all the way down because of the nature of video playback and buffering. So effects will hit instantly, but triggers will have some lag.

To get around this what I’ve found works best is using a dedicated control track on the OPZ just for effects.

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Also just discovered a happy accident. If you parameter lock the time of your trigger while the sequencer is stopped, it’s much easier to dial in as it will continuously retrigger to the position. Much like the original PO33! I’ll put some quick demos on YouTube next week.


Oh awesome, thanks for all the info! Looking forward to those videos about the happy accident sequencing technique. And good call about selecting the OP-Z as the audio device before opening the app, that worked :slight_smile:

Thanks again, having lots of fun with CLIPTRIG. Playing with long videos is great, but I think I’ll give it a shot with shorter ones next.