CM-15 Question regarding monitoring

I’m considering getting a CM-15, but I’m unsure whether it can do what I need or not. Hoping you can help.

Here’s my primary use-case:

I want to connect the CM-15 via USB-C to my MacBook or iPad Pro running Logic Pro to record vocals into Logic.

I want to plug 3.5mm stereo headphones into the 3.5mm output on the CM-15 and be able to monitor a mix of zero-latency vocals AND the music coming from Logic during recording.

Is this possible?

Bonus question: is there a way to manage the mix levels of the vocals + music on the CM-15?

Thank you!

No. The CM15 3.5mm will just output the mic, not sound coming from your computer.

Thanks for confirming.

So that means it basically does not serve an a class compliant audio interface, it seems. Since there is no mixed output.

The CM-15 is a class compliant audio interface, it is just that it is only an input… it doesn’t function as an output.

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I see. Thanks for clarifying.