I understood that the Apogee JAM -X and Roland Go X mix do work.
I just ordered a Zoom AMS-24 and will test it.
If it does not work it might still be possible to use the 2 analog outs of the AMS-24 and record either with mics or instruments or line ins to the OP1F.
So if usb audio does not work using the Zoom AMS-24 then it still might work as a standalone pre-amp.
In that case I am still happy but better via usb so you can still use the line in on the op1f.
Edit: got the AMS-24 and it works fine as standalone stereo pre amp. Wil get my op1f today so lets see if the usb audio works. If not the ams-24 is still usefull by recording the analogs outs into the OP1-field or OG.