Connecting OP-XY with other gear: MC-101


This is my first post on this forum, and the OP-XY is my first TE instrument. So far, I’m quite excited about it. I wanted to try to connect it with other instruments, especially the Roland MC-101, whose sounds I really like (its song mode I don’t like very much). I encountered some issues, but solved them, and wanted to share my findings.

You can connect the OP-XY and the MC-101 just with a USB cable. You need a converter from USB-C to USB-B. The OP-XY can power the MC-101, so you don’t need any batteries. No other cables are needed.

By default, the MC-101 is not class compliant, but needs a driver from Roland. This doesn’t work with the OP-XY. However, you can set the MC-101 to class-compliant mode. In the System menu, change the USB driver to generic: Shift+Utility, System, USB Drv – set to GENERIC and reboot. Also in the System menu, you can choose an output level: Shift+Utility, System, D.USB Mixout – OFF means the output level is determined by the Volume knob; 1-255 sets a fixed output level.

MIDI via USB works right out of the box. For audio, I initially got a distorted sound due to feedback: The OP-XY sends its audio to the MC-101, which adds it to its mix and then sends it back to the OP-XY. To avoid the feedback loop, you have to change the “PC IN” setting on the MC-101, which needs to be set for each project: Project, Setting, PROJ (PC IN) : PC Level – set this to 0 to avoid audio feedback.

There doesn’t seem to be a way to make the OP-XY not send its audio via USB, as far as I can tell.

I hope somebody finds this useful.



Thanks for your detailed instructions. I don’t have an OP-XY at the moment, but I already appreciated the one-cable connectivity of the OP-Z. So it’s good to know that I can easily connect my MC-101 or my Seqtrak to the OP-XY when it’s in front of me one day.