Creative ways to prevent accidental power-on?

I carry all three of my pocket operators in zip lock baggies in my backpack while I hold out for some silicon cases.

Unfortunately, I have had several instances now where the damn things get bumped and start playing in my backpack. Since the Pocket Operators do not have a power button, does anyone have a clever trick or recommended PO-friendly carry case to prevent them from powering up accidentally?

:slight_smile: lots of info in this thread!

Cut a small retangular piece of a business card or other similar material and slide it in between the battery and contact, like this:


Cut a small retangular piece of a business card or other similar material and slide it in between the battery and contact, like this:


great idea man!

Why didn’t I think of it before ?

Brilliant @punji Masta !

I put @punji’s tip to work this weekend. No effect on the battery contacts. Great solution.