Cuckoo Tutorial/ tips videos suggestions?

There going to be a link?

found the solution to all our songwriting misery (besides talent, time, fiddle, hard work, organization etc.):

I’d like to see more live performance tricks and ideas, ways to use the OP1 on stage.

…man… Easy Listening.

I would really like a tour of your studio and gear, and a video on effectively programming finger!


How come nobody mentioned a PO-12 video?!?!

He he… yeah PO-12 video will come. I’m just in a tight spot right now… Family and vacation stuff. I wanna be back in the studio making music!! Vacation is designed to eat all music alive.

Cuckoo,I was hoping that TE were already your patron or sponsor and maybe the company behind Octo Track.You must be the Biggest factor in me going down this road and ordering one (an OP).

Also if I was able to pay you when I first discovered you I would of been most happy to just give you a one off payment there and then with what I could afford .The amount of people in a similar position,viewing you from afar ,but really getting something from it…if just a few could donate.
I often feel like contacting people who post embarrassingly poor content on youtube and saying “have you checked Cuckoo?”.Honestly you have set the standard. Sonicstate can compare but he is like altogether a different thing(not sure how he’d take that-but its a compliment-both ways)but i’ve really enjoyed your stuff.
You have a natural skill for talkin on that tube -Keep up the good vibes,whatever you continue to do.

THanks a bunch @Spheric_El ! Your comment means a lot to me!

This whole YouTube thing all started out of frustration for not having enough time to finish any music project. And after getting a lot of positive feedback on YouTube I felt like finally there was a channel where my way of doing things seemed to be greatly appreciated, by people like you.

I’m doing Patreon donations for now. The best for me, in terms of donations, would be lots of people giving tiny ammounts for every “new content” - rather than big one-off donations. If there’d be 300 people in the world who’d care to give me $3 for each new video, I could more or less live out of that by making two or three decent videos a month. This model is pretty sustainable. I’m at 49 now, and even that is already helping me out a great deal. Perhaps if I made something amazingly viral one day it could grow like crazy.
I’m also awaiting Google’s own donation model that they’ve been mentioning.

Next up is a sneak peak of the PO-12 (currently compressing). And after that who knows :slight_smile:

@cuckoo, that PO-12 video is great. A great start to my morning, thanks!

I would love someone to make a video that displays all the bugs in the OP-1, namely the pops and clicks issue. I think a video that shows a handful of things that really need to be fixed would put some pressure on TE and also prevent people from purchasing an OP-1 who aren’t aware of the problems it has. I think it’s a little misleading to have all these videos of it seamlessly looping and acting as a loop pedal when half the time it can barely do this. I think you’re the best person to do this in a non-dick way and a way that TE would listen.

been using op1 since launch. only bug I have encountered is the loop click, but ive gotten pretty good at avoiding that pop. Srsly no other problems. I replaced my IO board myself because i had butchered my jacks. -i consider that a feature because of how easy it was to fix.

@adde perfect sketch! This is a must for every studio!

The pops are poop. It’s a shame they haven’t fixed it. But it’s more complex than you’d think though. It’s rooted down to the fundamental levels of how the OS is built. I understand they’re reluctant to change it in a small update. It’d be more of a big overhaul. I’ve talked to TE about it several times. It can be narrowed down to a couple of different conflicting units: samples, time code and frames. It’s a bit… messy. They know the issue very well, and I’m sure they’re regretting a few things about how they programmed the OS. But, once the OD-11 will finally be out, I think the whole team will turn their mindset back to synth mode again. Here’s for the future of TE! :smiley:

I’m not sure if it is already done but i’d like to see a video about editing, copying, moving clips , reordering, cuting , joining …