@wavi what presets did you use for iter? Did any of mine make the cut? I haven’t had a chance to install the update yet.
I added every iter patch that was on op1.fun at the time. That includes the following 11 patches (I had to lowercase the names since the OP-1 does weird stuff with uppercase characters, see this post Custom Firmware on the OP-1 - #670 by wavi):
- crystal_pad
- ebullition
- feu_doux
- iter
- korder
- lotremkords
- pulse_bass
- rezpiano
- wonky_bass
- wood_bell
- woodblock
The tool simply contains the aif patch files. To enable the presets it reads the patch data from the files and writes the data to the presets table in the database.
There’s still space for 5 more presets… You all know what to do
Lotremkords and korder are mine
Little help please
can’t install op1repacker in python3 PC. syntax error. where does the repacker folder need to be located for python to find it?
would it not be super easy if someone just posted the latest repacked custom firmware file?
Can you provide a little more details on how you tried to install it?
You shouldn’t have to place the op1repacker code anywhere manually. Instead running the installation command should download and install the latest version on your computer:
pip3 install op1repacker
I’m not providing modded firmware files since that has copyright issues and also makes it impossible to choose what mods you want.
ok. i open up python. at the dos type terminal i type in the command as per the instructions and get syntax error. the zipped and unzipped op1repacker file and folder are on my desktop.
Ah, you’d need to use the normal windows terminal / command line instead of the python interpreter. Then the installation should work.
So basically open the start menu, search for cmd
and from the results open “Command Prompt”.
Once you’ve opened that try running the installation command:
pip3 install op1repacker
That should install the tool, and once it’s installed you should be able to run the op1repacker commands that are in the readme. Let me know if you have more questions. I’ll try to write a windows guide eventually, but I don’t have windows so it might take a while…
uninstalled python3. now reinstalling python3.
will post back with results
All good. custom firmware up and running . thanks
Awesome! So I guess reinstalling python fixed your issue?
Since I’m not on windows could you let me know which installation command ended up working for you? That would help me write a guide for windows.
python3 stand alone installer.
pip3 install op1repacker did the trick
Hi there I’ve successfully installed the op1repacker using pip and it has installed successfully to usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/python3.4/ but any time I run the op1repacker even just to check the version I get:
cordelia@cordy:~/programming/op1-firmware$ op1repacker -v
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/bin/op1repacker”, line 6, in
from op1repacker.main import main
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/op1repacker/main.py”, line 9, in
from . import op1_analyze
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/op1repacker/op1_analyze.py”, line 77
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
What could be going wrong? Thanks in advance.
That’s really weird. The only thing I can think of is that you might have an incompatible python version. Are you able to upgrade to Python 3.6?
Been getting an error about “missing ustar tag” when I try and load my custom OP-1 firmware. Not sure whats going wrong this time around. I’ve read it could be the way python 3 (3.8) compresses but I don’t have the programming experience to try and mess with those settings and no access to a Windows based machine to try a different compressor software. Any chance you could PM me a working modded firmware? I know you’re hesitant to distribute. I was using one with ALL mods enabled (iter, iter presets, iter gfx, filter, invert tape, subtle fx, moose). Any help either way much appreciated, been pulling my hair out trying to get it working again.
hey, @wavi is the modding part with OS237 a different or does it work the same way as before? had it installed for quiet some time but not with #237.
something to take care of?
Ok it seems to be a problem related to Python 3.8. I downgraded to an earlier version (3.6.9) and now everything works as it should. Yay no more neck straining!
I doubt there are any major changes in #237 that would cause issues with the mods. I will have to test to make sure though.
Great that you got it working! Good to know that downgrading python helped. I should look into what the issue is with Python 3.8
Can confirm that it does not work with python-3.7.4 but python-3.6.8 on windows!
is used the “Windows x86-64 executable installer” from this site:
Having similar issue to what @products7074740 had, yet now on op1_241.op1. I do see the boot loader is now 2.27. I’m using Mac OSX, Python 3.6.7 (was on 3.8 originally and downgraded), and op1repacker 0.2.3. Unpacks fine. Modifies apparently with no issues. Repacks with no issues. When I try to update the firmware I get the same error about “missing ustar tag”.