Custom Firmware on the OP-1

Oh, and what svg editor is the most stable? I’ve been using inkscape, however for some reason elements get cut off.

The repacker by @wavi contains modifications to some of the graphics.
The safest way is still to carefully modify the SVG files by hand.
TE created the files with Adobe Illustrator in different versions. You have to be really careful about groups and layers.
Inkscape just reformats/reqrites the entire file with some specific stuff that the OP-1 apparently fails to deal with.

==> it’s not that simple


Fair enough.
I’m now using Atom with a SVG plugin to edit the values, then cleaning the files with @wavi 's op1svg tool. It’s very slow, so I’ll look into using Illustrator. :slight_smile:

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The tape tracks up top is a huge improvement. Would it also be possible to increase their height? Or would that require much more intricate modifications?

I also noticed a bug in the tape up top view: The loop point align marker (a blue vertical line that appears if the loop end point is changed using the green encoder and matches up with a bar again) still appears at the bottom not over the tape on the top.

I noticed that bug too, seems like the position of the snap indicator is hard coded, and isn’t calculated in relation to the tape tracks in the SVG so unfortunately it’s not fixable.

I’ve tried making the tape tracks bigger but I couldn’t get that to work properly. The line thickness of the tracks couldn’t be changed and I had other issues too so I abandoned the idea.

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Hey guys - I’ve used the repacker to install 242, and for some reason now I’m not able to mount the OP-1 disk on either computer I have. Has anyone else experienced this? I can’t even get in to replace the firmware again. Thanks for the advice.

I’ve attempted using different cables, different computers, with no avail. Can’t get my OP-1 to mount after op-1 repacker with 242. Anyone experiencing this?

factory reset?

I did factory reset. Unfortunately that didn’t solve the issue. Then tried disk format, and now I have a brick. Not able to get past the “Connect OP-1 to computer using USB cable.” OP-1 just won’t show up on the computer, and the OP-1 isn’t registering a connection.

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worst case

Do you think that I genuinely bricked my OP-1?

Oh man… looking back now I bet tweaking the graphics a lil wasn’t so worth it after all. I don’t know how TE deals with issues like this… I pray it isn’t permanent-bricked and there’s SOME way you can get it back to normal working order. a bricked OP-1 is a HUGE whole in the wallet, not to mention the heart :frowning: :sob:

maybe you could try to restart your computer or use another one and hopefully it will get mounted somehow

Sorry to hear! I replied to your issue on GitHub a while ago, any updates on your OP-1?
Did you use any mods (which ones?) and/or did you manually make any other changes to the firmware files before repacking it?

Also I’d try cleaning the OP-1 USB port to make sure it’s not just a connection issue due to some dirt in there.
I’ve never heard of this kind of issue happening to anyone before so it’s hard to say what to do without additional info.

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Hey! So sorry I missed your GitHub reply earlier. I ended up sending it back to TE for a repair. I tried cleaning, different cables/devices with no luck. Couldn’t get it to recognize USB in any mode. It certainly may have been a hardware issue with the connector, but I don’t think so as the unit was only 6 months old. When I used the repacker, I did all of the mods except for the moose.

Again, I can’t verify that it was the repacker that caused it by any means. Only that the USB connection issues started happening right after upgrading to 242. I did notice weirdly that TE took down 242 for a while and then recently put it back up. Maybe there was a bug in 242 on its own? Not sure.

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Hey all! I was so thrilled to discover this thread and hope it has some life in it still.
I’ve discovered the op1repacker tool on github, but some problem with my version of python (I’ve tried several versions) keeps making syntax errors appear when I try to run it.
thus I’ve resorted to manually extracting files from the firmware with the Mac terminal, and commands such as dd, unlzma and tar to reveal the files. My question now, since I
m not so optimistic the github will be updated, is how can I recompile the files? It seems like it shouldn’t bee too difficult of a process.

here’s my output when I try to use the op1repacker tool. From the looks of some of the directories, it seems like it’s installed in the python 2.7 location instead of the 3.x location and I don’t know why since i’m using pip3. I’m on OSX, btw.

“Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/bin/op1repacker”, line 11, in
load_entry_point(‘op1repacker==0.2.5’, ‘console_scripts’, ‘op1repacker’)()
File “/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/pkg_resources/”, line 489, in load_entry_point
return get_distribution(dist).load_entry_point(group, name)
File “/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/pkg_resources/”, line 2843, in load_entry_point
return ep.load()
File “/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/pkg_resources/”, line 2434, in load
return self.resolve()
File “/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/pkg_resources/”, line 2440, in resolve
module = import(self.module_name, fromlist=[‘name’], level=0)
File “/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/op1repacker-0.2.5-py2.7.egg/op1repacker/”, line 9, in
from . import op1_analyze
File “/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/op1repacker-0.2.5-py2.7.egg/op1repacker/”, line 41
fw_version = re.findall(rb’R…\d\d\d\d?\d?’, data)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax”

i had a similar issue awhile back
i tried uninstalling python
and then reinstalling it via the python website
not via terminal
and it starting working again

or maybe try this?

Hi! I published a minor update to op1repacker that should take care of your issue. You can upgrade to v0.2.6 by running:
pip3 install op1repacker --upgrade

Hopefully that helps!

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Hey there, can anyone please advise me?
I’m stuck trying to install the repacker on win10, have python 3.6 installed and get an ‘invalid syntax’ error every time I try to run ‘pip install op1repacker’

I’ve made custom graphics and a friend repacked them for me, they worked. I just want to be able to repack my own firmware.

Any help is appreciated.
Thank in advance