Disassemble OP1 Field

I have to disassemble my op1 field because the brown knob doesn’t work ( only the click works, the rotation if I turn 20 times only increases the value by 1 degree)
I tried to follow the tutorials on the standard OP1, but under those buttons in the new one there are no screws.
Does anyone have any idea how to do it ? Thanks I am desperate.

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Picked up my travel case yesterday only to realize it was unzipped and out the OP popped, onto the floor… When I picked it up, something was loose inside :sob:

Line Out doesn’t work, was in the middle of a session so had to swap it out for something else, And didn’t investigate further. I’m wondering if there’s a chance there is just an AUX board inside that I could plug some pin terminals into or something, hoping that’s all it is and I don’t have to ship it. To my knowledge there’s yet to be a disassembly video?