DIY DMX USB adapter for the Z

PS… BTW those error message pragma FastLED etc etc happen anyway when I upload to my Nano…But it still works fine from the Z.

PPS - as others have said, the Nano can be directly connected to the OP-Z with a USB-C to USB-Mini for a test (probably the battery will drain fast and I would definetly follow advice about protecting the Nano with 1000uF cap and 330Ohm resistor

Thanks for your response. I managed to get it working. My error was the arduino nano i was using was not legitimate and didnt have a ftdi chip. Once i got the arduino nano it works, but i have the same errors as others that the opz stops giving power to the nano intermittently. And i have a defective nucleum.

Im trying to get it working with a serial chip and a teensy to see if i can power a large string of lights now. I want to see what it can do with the dotstrips.

It’s been a while, are there any updates on this project ? I would love some tips on the process

Update : I managed to make it work ( i had to change bootloaders) but i can only get 25 leds total even with some of the fixes mentionned in this thread. Anybody has done some improvements on their build ?
i’m using WS2812B leds + 5v power + arduino nano

Hey guys,
I started to experiment with DMX and the OP-Z recently.
Therefore i build a LED setup with an arduino nano.
I stumbled over the “strobe” channel in the default dmx.json configuration.
It is not documented in the manual. Does it exist, or is the defualt dmx.json config wrong?

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Hey all,

Just wanted to chime in and thank @Multi_Sensor for thinking of this cool hack! I’ve been busy building something really cool that I’d like to share with you

A beautiful light object driven by the OP-Z! For now this is a prototype, yet I uploaded the Arduino Nano Sourcecode to GitHub so you guys can have fun. How does it work?

The list of numbers in the beginning of the source code are the LED IDs that you want to be played per one of the 16 OP-Z channels. So if you connect your LEDs via WS2818 or similar controller, each LED will have a number. Just put any combination of numbers in here you want. So for example, if you have 160 LED and you want 10 to light up for each channel, just put 0,1,…10 in the first row, 11,12…20 in the second and so on.

The upside of using this is that you’re completely flexible, so that way I was able to do this cool mapping to the diagonals of the cube you see in the video.

The only other parameters you need to set are MAXLED which is the channel with the most LEDs you have, and DATA_PIN which is the Pin on your Arduino you use to connect to your LEDs.

And yes, you will need a powered and compatible USB Hub or you can just provide your LEDs with external power, whichever you like.

I will probably also upload the hardware design files so you can make your own cube!

I’m also thinking of making pre-built ones with beautiful black PCBs like the Teenage Engineering Pocket Operators have. If you’d be interested in this, LMK.

Cheers :wink:



That’s beyond amazing!!! I’d love to buy a completed one should that ever be an option

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thanks so much for the kinds words! I will make sure there will be an option :slight_smile:

sorry, was on my phone earlier and couldn’t write very much but- its a great idea to have an accessory which can use the dmx messages from the op-z right away, plug and play! i love the diagonal mapping you have in the video, and the stand for the cube is also a great detail. really appreciate this project!!!

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INTERESTED!!! for sure

This is brilliant, would definitely be interested in a prebuilt, but adding to my list of projects anyway!

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Very nice creation, i’m still working on mine. Juste to be sure, you’re using an arduino nano and managed to get 100+ leds working ? I will have a look at your project but this seems to resolve my issue

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Hi Garl,

I am running 150 LEDs but bumping against RAM ceiling. Next step will be optimizing further and looking into FastLED lib to see what parts I need because I want to build the next Cube with 216 LEDs

Would you consider a project where you control more than one cube over usb with op-z ? I thought about it but am really new to soldering and electronics. Anyways good luck with your next projects, keep us updated and thanks for your input

I can get 256 LEDs working on the Arduino Nano with some optimization. I would have liked to get all 300 LEDs on my strip going but 16 blocks of 16 seems to be the best I can while still stable.

I tried to use Teensy 4.0 with FTDI chip and could get 288 (18 blocks of 16) but the colors seemed inverted for no reason.

would you mind to share your code? :slight_smile:

Sure! DaAwesomeP assisted me with some of the optimization so I can’t take all the credit but here it is. Let me know how it works.


Super helpful, thanks a lot for this code!

I’ve tried it on a Arduino Nano with a strip of 60 leds and while it mostly work, the first pattern (1) and some effects (ramp up/down) crash the Arduino at which point I need to unplug and replug it. My guess is that it’s tapping into a LED address that does not exists but I’m not sure how to debug it since I can’t monitor the output when connected directly to the OPZ. Any ideas/suggestions?

Thanks a lot again for the great work on this!

Hello people!

I am desperately trying to get DMX to work, but I am struggling and would appreciate any help :slight_smile:

What I am using:

For now I can light up the LED strip using some example sketches like WS2812FX, when connected to the computer…but when it comes to the DMX sketches and connecting it to the OP-Z I can’t seem to get it to work. I have used most of the above sketches and tried them, but at most I get 3 random lights lighting up at (it’s always the same 3 lights, same colors. no matter what happens on the OP-Z). These 3 lights seem to light up as soon as I connect a USB-C power cable to the Kingston hub.

Is it the Arduino clone that is the problem, or is there something else I might be missing?