Does the OP-1 slow down after a while?

Hi there!

I am considering purchasing an OP-1. I come from a long analog tradition, and this is going to be my very first VA synth. My main concern is this: should I expect it to begin slowing down after few months of use, as in with most digital machines (e.g. iPad, etc) ?


I know what you mean (every laptop I’ve ever bought has suffered from that problem), but it doesn’t seem to apply to the Op-1. Mine’s still as quick now as it ever was.

That’s interesting… I wonder what makes those machines slow down (i.e. what’s the technical reason), and WHY doesn’t it apply to the OP-1. I guess iPads and Laptops slow down with time due to hard drive wear and tear, but that’s probably just one reason.

My OP-1 still performs like it did on day one so I don’t think there are any issues in terms of it degrading.

I guess for laptops and the like all those software updates (OS, apps, programs etc) from multiple developers take there toll over time. Often new software or version updates are geared towards the most current tech available to get the most out of better CPU, graphics cards etc.

The OP-1 is a closed system in some respects and has been well handled by TE thus far, I don’t see that changing.
That's interesting... I wonder what makes those machines slow down (i.e. what's the technical reason), and WHY doesn't it apply to the OP-1. I guess iPads and Laptops slow down with time due to hard drive wear and tear, but that's probably just one reason.

It’s not down to component wear and tear… It’s due to stuff being cached and also extra software being installed so that many frequently executed operations need to scan through more files as they do their routine business. And also because of subsequently installed software contending for system resources as it runs in the background… That’s why’s he OP-1 is different. It’s dedicated to its task and the only extra stuff you add is data which is accessed once at each use, not executable software.


Add that the components seem to have been chosen among the best quality ones, not the cheapest…


I have had my OP1 for about 2+ years and so far it hasnt slowed down for me at all. I have noticed though, that there will be some times I will turn it on, hit play in tape mode and notice that the animations on screen move not as smoothly as they usually do. I dont know if this is just a fluke on my machine specifically or if it was just an odd bug. I haven’t had this problem in a few months though so I would say its nothing to worry about (knock on wood).

Thanks for the all the responses… great community here!

When I want to participate to a battle, first thing I do is to reset the beast.

This way I am sure I don’t use Daren’s drums or Cuckoo’s synth when not allowed to :wink:

I also believe it is a good thing for the synth.

I can only echo what others have said. The OS of hardware synths, even more powerful ones, is so simple compared to a desktop or mobile OS that I think that’s primarily why you shouldn’t expect the slow down issue with synths. I certainly haven’t experienced that with my OP-1, though I haven’t had mine for long.

Sometimes the slowdown in computers is also the result of mistakes made in OS upgrades. Windows suffers more from that, but I’ve certainly read of it affecting Apple products too. Synth OS upgrades don’t come often, so that’s one less chance for problems.

Hope you go for an OP-1!

My OP1 slows down if I load dsynth patches into all 8 slots and record in tape mode. Nothing stops functioning correctly, but the animation becomes a bit choppy.

I think another thing that slows down things like iPads is that you might buy a machine designed to be used with iOS 8, but then iOS 9 comes out and is designed for newer hardware and your older machine struggles to keep up. Pure speculation, but sound in my opinion.

As other members said, that’s not really like a computer, there’s no reason that the synth gonna slow down through time…
However, I’ve noticed some animation’s lags, principally when using to much delay on certain synths ^^.

When I want to participate to a battle, first thing I do is to reset the beast.
This way I am sure I don’t use Daren’s drums or Cuckoo’s synth when not allowed to :wink:

I also believe it is a good thing for the synth.

I should do that sometimes, I’ve never reseted it for now. How can I do this ?

If I recall correctly, you do so by pressing COM while turning on the OP-1, then choosing factory reset.

Of course, backup everything before saying adieu to your carefully crafted patches :smiley:

Never experienced any slow down issue; however, the OP-1 already crashed sometimes in heavy delay projects with all the 4 tracks full and doing speedy fast forwards; but nothing regular and a little bit like those early button pressin´ video game bugs :slight_smile:

By the way, just a little point: I don´t feel the OP-1 as a VA synth. It proudly embraces it´s digital roots, and even when doing “analog” sounds it shows an electronic lo-fi spirit, not far from old video game consoles soundcards reproducing/emulating “real” sounds. In my opinion, the OP-1 is far away from the VA trend of the 2000s.

An OP-1 is less like a computer and more like a calculator. It has occasional firmware updates, but ultimately just one set of firmware for one piece of hardware. Memory can get filled up, but if the processor is powerful to handle it all then you shouldn’t notice a slow down. Computers slow down because of updates to software and all the other crap people tend to put on their system. It just builds up and eats up resources.

my OP1 has slugged out a couple times using D-Synth with the tape playing… Dunno if its a hardware limitation or if i need to reset

had it for 3 years it was rock solid that whole time

@chuck I had crashes when jumping about sequencers and tape.Reset and seems ok now.It did have a busy memory before that so a wipe helped.

no, it doesn’t. it’s not a personal computer.

The reason computers tend to slow down over time has two main causes, file fragmentation and system control file growth. So for instance on a PC running Windows each time a file is edited, modified, deleted or replaced the space occupied by it is no longer just in one position on the hard drive so in order to retrieve it the fragments may have to be gathered from several different locations (fragmentation) this all adds delay and slows down the system. Another culprit is the windows registry, this replaced the previous WIN.INI and CONFIG.SYS files when they could no longer cope quickly enough with the increasing amount of information.
Each time a program or hardware is added or changed the information is put into the registry, each time registry is read by Windows information such as file locations, configuration and associations are registered. The registry grows every time anything is added and even when a program or piece of hardware is removed its associated information may not be but Windows still goes of and looks. This again adds delays.
Anyone who has done a clean Windows re-install knows only too well that suddenly everything is fast and sparkly again because all the rubbish and fragmentation has gone.
The OP-1 doesn’t suffer from these problems because the operating system is (apart from updates) pretty well fixed, only dealing with a fairly fixed set of parameters. Hence it doesn’t suffer from the same issues as a PC.