drums & bass on 1 track

this is probably super obvious to most, and its sort of an addendum to another post about note repeat/looping on drum sounds especially for hihats or anything else that rolls (multiple hihats looped at different lengths is great for trap style btw)
but theres an old school trick for bass that i cant get enough of, & the OP1 makes it quick and easy.
any kick drum sound looped even shorter than a drum sound should be, becomes bass. turn it down some, play with start/end points, pitch to taste… get a couple & you have a bass line tucked into your beat and a track freed up for other stuff.
like i said, pretty obvious maybe, but can sound pretty powerful.

Oh man. I am trying to get multiple hi hat patterns at different speeds for this “trap” hi hat effect. do you know how i can achieve this?

Like half steps or something is what i am looking for…

I will mark @yoof because he´s the drum n´bass/jungle king of the OP-1! :slight_smile:

@aeoner, thanks for turning me on to the thread :slight_smile: haha, you know my weakness

Cool tip, @IdkProbly. I should definitely experiment with that a bit more as I’m usually really lacking in the “B” element of D’n’B. I tend to rely far too much on a cluster patch in the lower octaves where the green param is high for a kind of pure-ish sin sub-bass, which is nice and necessary, but doesn’t have masses of character. Will try your tip!

Best get yourself in those battles if you’re bending the op1 these ways @idkprobly

@tbird i think it sounds pretty close to those trap style hihats, & less complicated of a method. its supposed to be done with triplets, technically, for d&b i think, & the trap style is sequenced using qtr, 8th, 16th note etc patterns
but that makes my brain hurt.
my op1 workaround is best with a tight clean hihat, nothin splashy, and leave space after it so u can have multiple loop lengths on same sound over 3 or so different keys. leave one as a one shot for the main rhythm tik tik tik then roll away on the others as u see fit… tikitikitikitikitttttkkkkkkkk lol. @ least thats how i roll…

funny what can be learned, i had not been using cluster for sine sub, only the sampler preset or the FM…