Effects / Sounds documentation?

Hello, I got my sweet sweet OP-1 on march and I had been lurking this from since the early 2015.

The synth is really unique - too unique that i struggle to use some of the sounds and the effects effectively. I only have experiences with few analogue synths(monotron, volca key & microbrute).

Could anyone explain - in synth terms/layman’s -,what each knob does for the DNA and Dsynth?

As for the sound effects im not sure how the “phone” effect works and the meaning of mix(in grid and delay). I have no knowledge on the effect engines and the manual confuses me more lol

Thank you!

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Mix (with effects) is how much effect is mixed in over the original sound.
With synth sounds the amp envelope plays a big part in the type of sound and LFO has loads of fun possibilities to try.
With editing synth engines it seems to be geared towards grabbing a knob and finding out.I don’t fully understand DNA ,but blue is low pass filter and orange is noise level.The other two interact to make the sound in some way…
And er, maybe some one else will be better at explaining Dsynth.(Bandpass) Filter is shift and orange.

DNA: Blue is a mild band pass filter, Green is a square wave amplitude modulator… thing. White is an octaves worth of detune, and Orange blends in noise.

Dsynth Is a monster, but here’s my guided observation: Blue changes the blend of oscillator you hear(carrier) versus oscillator that modulates. Turn the knob until you see a flat pink line with a full blue triangle beneath it. This means oscillator 1s envelope does nothing, and oscillator 2 modulates 1 fully. Shift Blue changes the pitch of osc 2, where 1 is always guided by the keyboard. The waveform knobs Green and Shift Green are not what you’ve come to expect from your analogs. They affect the harmonic content AND the modulation. The two envelopes White and Shift White follow the modulation as pictured by the Blue parameter. Orange is the type of modulation, and the best way to hear what its doing is to use a low mod rate on a basic sound like I described above. Shift Orange is kind of a filter but it’s doing some waveshaping as well… Phew!

Phone: Blue(tone) is the pitch of the oscillator, and with the shift key you can tune to any simple pitched input and it will track. Orange(telematic) is the blend between dry and wet signal, and if you track like i’ve described and set it to 50ish you can get a sweet chorus/doubling. White(baud) is a randomized glitching of the tone. Green(phonic) seems to stabilize complex signals, for instance a tracked chord sounds a lot nicer at 99 phonic than at 0.

Thank you so so much you guys! Time to re-learn this weird beast ! :slight_smile:

Slight disagreement on phone, blue isn’t best described as an oscillator, it’s a pitch shifter. If you turn the master fx phone (this might work on the mono synth/drum version too, don’t happen to remember) blue knob all the way to the right, and dial it back, you can hit an octave up pitch shifting easily, without having to shift-finetune.
But yeah, green is kinda the smoothness of the pitchshifting. I wanna say (not certain about this) that it controls the length of the tiny snippets of audio that it creates to do the pith shifting. E.g. it chops it into snippets and plays each snippet twice at 2x speed in order to execute an octave up pitch shift. (Longer snippets will work better for stuff like chords, making it sound smoother)
White controls how many times each snippet gets glitchily repeated. sort of a granular synth effect at high amounts.

Make sure to try it with panned tape tracks on the master fx slot, the master stereo version puts all the glitches in stereo : )

Oops, Beefinator is right about the phone.

And He’s right about the phone being really cool on the master. Here’s a track I did with subtle use http://soundcloud.com/charlesl/park-bench