Endless Seq

Hihi. Trying to send notes into the endless sequencer via ableton from push but with the shift / rec button held down in sequence input mode it starts playing the existing sequence instead of inputting the new notes.

Would be great to be able to fix this to be able to use the scales etc available via push

Any ideas? Sorry if I missed it elsewhere

btw MIDI routing in Ableton channel seems to be fine - from push / to op-1

You can’t send MIDI notes to the sequencers sadly.

Bit of a 101 question - is there a way to edit/delete/change notes on an existing endless sequence? Say if i played a sequence in, listen to it back and think the fourth note could be another note instead…Is there a way of doing this?

Sort of. You can do it if you’re holding the key that started the sequence and Shift. In that case you can add and remove notes from the end of the sequence while it’s playing. But the moment you release that original key, it’s done and committed.

This is useful if you’re working on something complex and want to be
able to correct mistakes. This is not going to allow you to edit an old

So, in details:

  1. You go to the sequencer screen, press and hold some key (preferably C). Endless starts playing.
  2. You press Shift and hold it. Don’t release either the original key or Shift until you’re done editing.
  3. The next key you press will overwrite the old sequence that’s currently playing with a new 1-step sequence.
  4. As long as you’re holding that original key from step #1 amd Shift, you can enter more steps or delete the last one (with <). The pattern will keep
    playing while you’re editing it.

Not sure what kind of crazy programming enabled this, but it works. The only downside it that there seems to be no way to enter the note you holding throughout

Didn’t know that @Gambler, cheers!

You can't send MIDI notes to the sequencers sadly.

Oh! I see, that’s a real shame. Thanks for the info @ghostly606

Didn’t know that either @Gambler

Will try when i get home tonight. I knew there would be some clever work around!

Having said all this, it wouldn't be hard to add snapshot functionality to effects and sequencers, from a UI point of view. Select the type with the blue knob and the preset with the green a la the synth / drum patches. Snapshots saved by holding the fx or sequence button accordingly.

No idea how to add in terms of coding (simple?) and memory (simple?) though.

Let say sequence has 100 notes, one byte for velocity (but there is no velocity data there, oh), one byte for step number (optional) one byte for length and one byte for note per step + header, so maybe it’s less than 500 bytes per patch. And it can be just a raw numeric data, it is simpler than save audio data (synth patches are some kind of JSON data + audio data, so it is more complex). I think that single reason not to do it is developers wish only.