Finally, Moving Beyond Sketches – First "Complete" Song

Finally, I managed to create a more or less complete song on the OP-XY instead of just doing sketches. Everything was done without external effects. I originally started this song on a tracker but never finished it – until now :slight_smile: Enjoy!


Sweet! Nice to hear some longer songs on TE devices. Great job :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot

Thats really good. Thanks for sharing

I also made my first song on OP-XY.
Really inspiring machine. But I still need to find more tricks for building up the track.

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Really enjoyed that! I am still in the “sketch” stage whee every time I want to do something a bit different, I am digging in the manual or a video to find out how. Over time, this will develop into muscle memory, but as soon as I get back to my Cirklon, I will probably lose some of that.

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I really like it.

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Thanks. True, building muscle memory takes a long time, but losing it happens quickly :slight_smile: Since I had the OP-Z for a long time beforehand, the OP-XY wasn’t completely new territory for me.