Firmware update?

Finally decided to upgrade my OG and get a field. Anyone know if there is a firmware update coming soon? Looks like its been a while.

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Hopefully there will be. Last one was in December. They certainly need to up their game. I’ve just bought a Sonicware Lofi 12 XT and that has way more power, in my opinion, for about a 1/4 of the price.

I do love my OP1 Field though, just wish it had the ability to use more than one FX at a time.

If it doesn’t yet do what you’d like then I’d say hold fire on getting one, but if it does what you want then get one.

The dimension synth and mother reverb make me think there is a lot of future option possibilities under the hood if they want.

never really know, TE just goes and drops them out of nowhere usually

The last update was in may. So dont expect anything anytime soon.

Plus like it’s already sick - whatever whenever they come up with something is fine by me, I got what I paid for already for sure

Ooh I missed that one, thanks

I hope they continue to put big firmware updates out. The Field definitely didn’t sell as well as they were hoping but I hope they keep making good improvements to it.

source? would be curious to know what they were hoping vs. what happened? as far as i can tell in my neck of the woods the field sold well and continues to sell even more now…


Was just a guess, but it feels like the Field just got a lot more (undeserving) negative attention than its predecessor, but hopefully it’s just a vocal minority as people who actually sat down with it love it! I haven’t heard nearly as much about it online, again, as much as its predecessor, but this could be from its price. I hope it was a big success because I love it and I want to see it get the support it deserves! If it’s anything like the OP-1 we’ll hopefully see support for over a decade! :slight_smile:

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Amazon claimed to sell 50+ monthly . They can’t be doing that bad….?

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From my experience a lot of the units have defects and need to be replaced. I myself have the 6st replaced unit.
So until now they had to give me 6 units for 2000€ total. So it would be 333€ per unit.

But maybe a lot of people keep it even if it has small issues.
I just dont understand why they prefer to replace units instead of increasing quality control.

I would also like to know what happens with the replaced units? Do they repair them and sell them as new or use them as replacements units for other customers? We probably never know.

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im curious what your is threshold for requesting a replacement? what were the biggest issues and smallest issues you returned yours over? i purchased mine used within the past couple months from someone who bought it new from TE a month or so before they sold it to me, since im not gonna be able to do any kind of replacements im interested in what your experiences have been.


Oh wow, what issues did you have? I really have barely played mine so I don’t think I would notice yet. I never had a single problem with my OG OP-1

No they do it
I can confirm they resell refurbished as brand new

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i went through 4 units total before getting one without flaws


Most of the unit had massive double triggers when playing. That was the most annoying issue since it has influence on my playing.

Beside of that lots of units had cracking encoders. One unit had some keys stuck.
One unit had a loose battery rattling inside.
One unit the volume encoder felt like there was sand inside.


thanks for the update, only one of those ive noticed on mine is the double triggers but i’ve just adjusted to a little harder play style and it works well for what im doing. sorry to hear you had so many problems!

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Double triggers on the op1F
Now I better pay close attention to my encoders and buttons

What about flush keys! ? are your keys flush in the bed ?

i pretty much only get double triggers if im tapping very lightly on the keys or hitting them at a weird angle, its fairly uncommon for me

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