For trade: Ableton Push 3 standalone for OP-1 Field

Hi all,
I got a standalone Push 3 that works perfectly (including a Decksaver), but just hasn’t been as portable for me as I’d wanted. Looking to trade it with an OP-1 Field user who is looking to ditch the OP-1 and embrace the Ableton route more. Hoping I can find someone to make the swap!

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Hei tortellini. In which country you are based?

i’m in the USA

Wow. I’m interested!

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Hey, do you want to DM me to discuss? I think my account on here is too new to send direct messages, so if that doesn’t work I can share links to my presence on Elektronauts etc. Let me know!

Mine as well. I’m Colors_in_space_recordings on IG though