Going back to MPC/ableton combo for a while

Yesterday I was having a BBQ with the neighbours and I put some Elaquent on and thought not only his tracks are dope and smooth but also damn that’s well produced…
Been dabbling with the OP-1 for a while for production and live use and although I absolutely love that machine and will never sell it I miss having many stereo tracks, sidechain compression, lush effects. arrangement mode, waveforms, rubber pads, etc etc etc.

Also haven’t really managed to finish a track, I made tons of looped beats but I can’t get myself to finish them.

So this evening I’ll take the MP out of the attic and we’ll see what happens.
I use the MPC as the midi master and Live as the slave sound module.

I reckon switching things up a bit is a healthy thing to do. I’ve been feeling the itch to switch things up a bit too. Perhaps you can incorporate some of the looped beats you make on the Op-1 into the whole MPC / Ableton world.

yeh do the thing
I’m looking forward to next week when I move back into my dorm and will have my whole setup again.

mpc + op1 midi’d up (or not) is a dope combooooo too!

Which MPC?

I reckon switching things up a bit is a healthy thing to do. I’ve been feeling the itch to switch things up a bit too. Perhaps you can incorporate some of the looped beats you make on the Op-1 into the whole MPC / Ableton world.

@yoof I will def re-use vinyl samples that I used in the OP-1.
Also, after many years of using ableton and its drum rack I only found out today that I could duplicate a sliced pad on drumracks by simply doing command+click/drag, or so I read on forums. Never knew that was possible.

@unflattered MPC1000

they are a pretty sweet combo.

enjoy the MPC… never get tired of that thing, ay
they are a pretty sweet combo.

enjoy the MPC... never get tired of that thing, ay

Yes indeed. Plugged it all back last night. Good times…

I reckon switching things up a bit is a healthy thing to do. I've been feeling the itch to switch things up a bit too. Perhaps you can incorporate some of the looped beats you make on the Op-1 into the whole MPC / Ableton world.

@yoof I will def re-use vinyl samples that I used in the OP-1.
Also, after many years of using ableton and its drum rack I only found out today that I could duplicate a sliced pad on drumracks by simply doing command+click/drag, or so I read on forums. Never knew that was possible.

@unflattered MPC1000

Ive really been in the fence about buying a pre-owned 1000. I love MPC workflow, and have an MPC Touch, but I want to be able to do capable sample-based stuff without being tied to my studio. Even other areas of the house. I love my OP-1 for this quality, but I need to sample space afforded by a 1,000.

Only things holding me back are the possibility of a new standalone MPC in 2017, and waiting on reviews / usage videos of the Pioneer Toraiz.

mpc + op1 midi'd up (or not) is a dope combooooo too!

Mind me asking how you use them together? Any techniques?

don't sleep on the 1000 + JJOS. sooo much cool shit u can do. the JJ is so rad & used 1000's are ridiculously cheap.

@johnl a bunch of things.
i use them for bouncing sounds back and forth. adding OP1 fx and flavor then sampling back to the MPC and vice versa.
midi up for tempo syncing, and sampling sequences or using endless and stuff to make arp like or broken chord sounds and sampling those. using the mpc sequencer/pads to playback the op1 (bypassing limitations of the op1 sequencers).
or to use the sequencer and tape in tandem.
using the looper function on the JJOS to build/sample loops from the OP1 and then save them to pads on the MPC.
sometimes when i use my 500, i use the OP1 to chop my samples up, then sample them in slice by slice into the mpc. sometimes its faster than job wheel and number zoning by hand (500 lacks slice features)
they compliment each other really well. the op1 gives u a beautiful palette of sounds & synths to work with too in addition to whatever you load up/sample into your mp.

Lately i’ve been recording tracks from my mpc into OP to flavor things up with fx. As i’m not a huge fan of the mpc fx, these really breathe new life into old loops

^ yea same i don’t really like the newer MPC multifx thing. kinda stale sounding. the old eb16 fx card tho is pretty nice. i like it more than the newer gen.

^ yea same i don’t really like the newer MPC multifx thing. kinda stale sounding. the old eb16 fx card tho is pretty nice. i like it more than the newer gen.

That’s why I use ableton as the sound/fx module, and the mpc1K as the midi master sequencer. It’s like a mega-mpc :slight_smile:

I have to say so far so good, going back to it. I’m already one beat down https://soundcloud.com/le-filou/wizz (the sub is from the op-1) and on to the next one.
The thing is that I never used LFOs much before the OP-1 and that’s one of the 1st I looked for in ableton using it again. You take the learning from one on the the next. Beautiful.
Happy monday

all about the mpc 500 into the op1 live. switch the cables; boom sample editor. batteries too

all about the mpc 500 into the op1 live. switch the cables; boom sample editor. batteries too
Just in case someone missed it in the OP-1 Videos thread: @モブス knows his MPC stuff:


Back on the Op-1!! That didn’t take long. Did a couple tracks on MPC ableton combo I mentioned earlier over the last month. Meh.

Had some fun with the OP and loops this afternoon: https://instagram.com/p/BLBXXWlA0SV/

Back on the Op-1!! That didn't take long.

Welcome back, Dave :wink:

Cheers trigger!

gave me an oldschool Wu Tang flavor. I love how the op-1 colors sounds similar to the old school EPS16

Back on the Op-1!! That didn’t take long. Did a couple tracks on MPC ableton combo I mentioned earlier over the last month. Meh.

Had some fun with the OP and loops this afternoon: Le Filou on Instagram: "Alright Dave? #sampling #beatmaking #teenageengineering #op-1 #onlyfoolsandhorses #rodneytrotter #viny"